Hello everyone,

Such a long time isn't it ?

 I thought I won't come back here but here I come !  

Today is the last day of the year, so what can I say ?

Many things happened in 2014

 Good, bad, weird, funny, ...  

The first day of 2014, I was like "It's going to be a shitty year again..."

 But no...  

During this year there were many great things

 I met one of the greatest person in the world (^∇^)  

She is very important to me

We have a lot in common

 It's so rare to meet someone who perfecly understands what you think  

I feel so blessed to have met her

 I shared so many beautiful and funny moments with her !  

And I hope there will be many moments like that in 2015 too !

Thanks to you !

Then... I got a job !

 It changed a lot of things

I feel now more confident !

I like what I do

It's not my dream job but I feel lucky to get one

Now, I can spare money

It's the next step towards my dreams and projects

Also, I can think about what I'll do after that !

There were many many many beautiful moments

With people I love soooooo much !

I won't tell everything here

I prefer to keep it to myself and people who shared this with me !

But..... Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart

Thanks to te friends staying by my side years after years

Thanks for all funny and lovely moments, conversations

Thanks for listening to me every time I needed it

Thanks for being there for me and cheering me up

Thanks for all the laughs, kindness

Thanks for all the songs, music, pictures, concerts, travels, gifts

I won't forget anything about this year !

Not even the bad things

Because, yeah.... There were difficult and painful moments too

I don't know how 2015 will be
I don't know what I want for 2015
Or.... Let's say... I don't know EXACTLY what I want for 2015
There are many things but some aren't really clear yet !
But there is something I'm sure about
I want to keep all those precious people in my life
And share more and more beautiful and unique moments with them
I want to give them all my love
Because without you this year would have been terrible
Without you I wouldn't be so happy
Without you I won't be the Mel I'm today !
No need to name them because I'm sure they know if I'm talking about them
You are so precious to me !
I'll be there for you anytime and anywhere !
I love you so much !

Thanks for all !!

Happy New Year everyone !