



I'm still alive ! xD
I was just... too lazy once again !
I will update my blog often, I promise! (^_^)v

Well, Well, well
Two weeks ago I went to Paris for D's live
I saw Zonzon for the first time (・∀・)
Happy happy! ~
I prefer keep details of D's live for myself eheh (^_-)☆
Belieeeeve or not belieeeve
Hehe Night Ship D is one of my favorite song
After the live we went to Zonzon's house
Everything was great
I was very happy to see Zonzon and speak with her !

Last saturday was a special day
It was my aunt's wedding
Her wedding dress was beautiful
I want the same!
I want to marry and have a wedding dress (TωT)

I want to see my best friend
It's been a while since I've seen him
He has his own band now !
It's called D.N.A Project
My best friend is bassist (・∀・)
It's the beginning but I can't wait to see them in live

Well I think that's all for now
