Yesterday was a great day!
I went to Lix's concert
Everyone waited a looong time!
More than... 1h30 (^_^;)
lix's car has broken down and then when they arrived at Lille they had some technical problems (TωT)
My feet hurted and my back too
The rain began...
I was like "noooo my hair!!!"
But fortunatly we came inside at this moment
Fiou.... ( ̄▽ ̄)=3
The room was very very very small
I was at the second rank in front of Chihiro
And the stage was very low
It's the kind of stage I like because the proximity with artsits is just perfect!!
Yuu came first from the back of the room because...
There was no other entry! wwww
He was really beautiful (☆。☆)
Then Chihiro came, he is really impressive xD
They began the concert with the song called " 激情 "
The first moments were really.... amazing, just amazing!
I really like this song ドキドキ
Then there were others songs like
" アイヒメ" "SICKS" "DEVILS 'HEAVEN" and "・・・alone"
We did the same choregraphy than him on アイヒメ
They played all the song of SICKS RAIN ドキドキ
This is what I wanted (*^.^*)
I didn't notice before but "・・・alone " is really a beautiful song, I couldn't take my eyes off Chihiro when he sang
Chihiro tried to speak with us in french, he has a really good accent (゚ο゚)
Then he wanted to use the translator of his iphone but it seems he didn't work wery well XD
Yuu tried to speak french too but it was more difficult for him (^_^;)
When Chihiro said "last song okay??"
We were like "noooooo "(TωT) we didn't want
Then they left the stage and everyone shouted
"Encore! Encore! Encore!"
So they came back on the stage (^O^)
Chihiro takes some pics of us with his iphone
I was like (・∀・)V yeaaah
So I'm on the pic
Chihiro said "last song" again
And they played 激情 again :*:・( ̄∀ ̄)・:*:
And the last one was アイヒメ
At the end of this song everyone sang with him
" Lala lalala lala lalalaaaaa "
It was a magic moment ラブラブ
Yuu and Chihiro enjoyed it!
They saluted and Chi' said "Je vous aime Lille merci! "
And everyone shouted "ARIGATOUUUUUUU "
Oooooh I felt very sad at this moment
I find Chihiro's voice beautiful and really bewitching
Yuu plays really well and he is really enthusiastic
He gave me a lot of energy, when I saw him I didn't feel pain nowhere!
So then I was the sign session I bought their last CD
"SICKS RAIN" and a poster
I gave the cd booklet to Chihiro, he signed and gave it to yuu
While yuu signed the booklet I gave my poster to Chihiro, he smiled and signed it
Then yuu signed it too and... I asked if I could take a pic
They said yes so I took the pic and I was veryyyyy happy !!
Yuu held out his hand with a beautiful smile
I was like wooooow (☆。☆)
I finally shaked hand with yuu but I didn't know if Chihiro wanted to do it too
He looked me and held out his hand with a beautiful smile too
I love his vampire teeth XD
Anyway I shaked hand with Chi' too and I said "arigatou!!"
They smiled again and said "merci "
And I left!
I was my first "official" sign session and I really enjoyed it!
I was very happy! Happy Happy!
I returned to the hotel
I was sooo tired because I jumped, shouted and waved my hands all the concert!
(≧▽≦) (≧▽≦)

I love them so much! ラブラブ
They are so nice and talented
I reallyyyy love them more than I thought!
They won me! ドキドキ

ありがとう !!!!!

写真: yuu and Chi' by me ラブラブ
