明かでない物語(ノω・、) [ 8 . 2 0 . 1 0 ] | NAYOオフィシャルブログ☆宇宙人カメレオン☆

明かでない物語(ノω・、) [ 8 . 2 0 . 1 0 ]

I can not sleep because the mouth still hurts from the drill. (´д`lll)

What time is it now?
Here it is 5:30AM...(ノ_・。)

At this time, no good television shows are on.
Everything is "Paid Program". The shows that try to sell things. (´_`。)
Only show on...is old episodes of Ouran High School. (笑)

$NAYO ♪ VELVET symphony ♪-2010_Aug_20_354.jpg

Let's see...a little story.
Where did the Nayo name come from? (ノω・、)
Because the real name...it is not close to Nayo at all. (笑)

Nayo since little has loved cats very much. ☆
But I could never have a pet cat because my father was allergic.

When older, people said I have personality like a cat.
I do not know why. But people said it. (笑)

So, the sound a cat makes comes out like "nyao~".
I chose a name similar to the "nyao" sound, and it is Nayo.

When said fast or slow, it resembles the sound of a cat. (=・ω・=)

It is a lame story. (笑)
But it is the truth. (●´ω`●)

- - Ja, nayo ☆彡