食品 、 PiPa[6.14.10] | NAYOオフィシャルブログ☆宇宙人カメレオン☆

食品 、 PiPa[6.14.10]

I ate eggs[卵焼き], hashbrown[ハッシュブラウン], and turkey bacon[やベーコン]. きらきら

Turkey bacon. . .it is like healthy bacon. It is fake! w w

食べ物はおいしかったです。 OK

I want ice cream. But we have no ice cream 。 。 。 ○| ̄|_

Later, I think I will eat sushi! 寿司!(^▽^;)

A lot of food. . . I will be fat! 髑髏

Next week, I will start to exercise~

I need to get more muscle again. I will work hard! くそっ


My new Pink Panther pen! My mother gave it to me yesterday. NEW

I am so happy. It is very cute . ピンパン

I love Pink Panther. But it is hard to find Pink Panther here! It is not popular。 。 。

- - Ja, nayo 星