新潟県新潟市で・遊漁船・観光船・救助船・釣り船・遊覧船・作業船・チャーター船・監視船・漁船・回航・船舶、ボート操縦船長代行・警戒船・船上パーティー・水中撮影(水中ドローン)・サンセットクルーズ・サンライズクルーズ・夜釣り・船中泊・障がい者専用船・ルアー船 等... 船、海、川、湖、池、水上に関する事ならナシレラスターにお任せください!
















ブログ  https://ameblo.jp/nashirerastar/

インスタグラム https://www.instagram.com/nashirerastar










  • 午前便:4時~11時(着岸)
  • 午後便:11時30~16時00(着岸)
  • ナイト(夜)便:18時~


  • 半日午前(約5時間)
  • 半日午後(約5時間)

土日祝祭日は + 800円(1名)です。

半日の延長料金は1時間(平土日祝祭日) 1,200円(1名)です。

  • 1日(平日8時間)

1日の延長料金は1時間(平土日祝祭日) 1,200円(1名)です。




※貸し切り(仕立) ・1日(平日9時間)4名~出港 56,000円~(税込み)

          ・1日(土日祝祭日9時間)4名~出港 65,000円~(税込み)

  • 半日午前、午後(平日土日祝祭日)
  • 1日(平日土日祝祭日)


















4名以下3名までの予約は1人プラス1500円。 2名までの予約はプラス2000円になります。



午前便 大人(中学生以上)…3500円 小学生…1750円 幼児(2歳以上~小学生未満)…1000円 障碍者の方…3150円 シルバー          (60歳以上)…3000円 ※4~8名様でご予約ください。

午後便 大人(中学生以上)…4500円 小学生…2600円 幼児(2歳以上~小学生未満)…1500円 障碍者の方…4000円 シルバー(60歳以上)…4500円 ※4~8名様でご予約ください。

・乗り合い(平日30分~1時間)日の入り~(時間、土日祝祭日 要相談)(着岸)

・貸し切り(平日60分~2時間)日の入り~(時間、土日祝祭日 要相談)(着岸)



平日夜17時~22時の間の2時間 8,000円/人

土日祝夜前夜 17時~23時の間2時間 10,000円/人

※遠征便  ・半日(平日6時間)日の出~日の入りの間(マイル(距離限定あり)




        延長 1時間(平土日祝祭日)5,000円(1名)(税込み)

午前便(約2時間) 大人(中学生以上)…5500円 小学生…2800円 幼児(2歳以上~小学生未満)…1000円 障碍者の方…4000円 シルバー(60歳以上)4500円 ※4~8名様でご予約ください ※道具のレンタル代込み ※時間により金額が変わります。

午後便大人(中学生以上)…6500円 小学生…3800円 幼児(2歳以上~小学生未満)…1800円 障碍者の方…4800円 シルバー(60歳以上)5500円 ※4~8名様でご予約ください ※道具のレンタル代込み ※時間により金額が変わります。



※女子会、高校生会、シニア会、障がい者手帳会、家族会、他国籍会、4名~5名??%OFF! 6名~8名??%OFF!  







  • 注文(場所指示)
  • お客様現地確認
  • 写真1枚 450円(税込み)、動画30秒以内 1動画1,400円(税込み)。その他相談に応じます。






ナシレラスター オリジナルステッカー 大・中・小 100円/枚(乗船した方には希望があれば1人1枚プレゼントします!)






  • ポイントカード(さまざまな特典があります)

  • ブログ・Twitter・インスタグラムフォロー割引(初回のみ、画面のご提示で300円引き)
  • ナシレラスターオリジナルステッカー貼っている写真をご掲示で(初回のみ、画面のご提示で300円引き)
  • 親子の体験待遇、割引
  • 障がい者手帳割引(5%) 付添い割引


※近い駐車場(徒歩3分程度)あります。(有料)1回6時間まで 600円(税込み)現地にてお支払いください。















※道具貸し出し、販売  全ての道具(タックル等)時間内でしたら2,500円(税込み)





・ペットボトル氷水(飲めます) 1個(1.5~2リットル)600円(税込み)



・弱防水機能(携帯ケース) 1個250円(税込み)

・船酔い止めドロップ 1箱850円(税込み)

・塩分中和剤スプレー 1回100円(税込み)



※駐車場 出港場の近くの駐車場にとめていただければ、



※船酔い  ①前日に早めに準備し、早めの就寝をして睡眠を十分にとってください。









※出港中止基準 ・海上警報(風、霧等)波浪警報の発令または発令中。


        ・波高 1.5m 以上

        ・視程 200m以下

※帰港基準 ・海上警報(風、霧等)波浪警報が発令されたとき。



      ・波高 1.5m以上

      ・視程 200m以下





  • 最大乗船人数12人乗り 全長約10m 幅約3m 240pエンジン



  • 水洗トイレ、手洗い洗浄水タンク、キャビン内仮眠休憩室
  • 魚探、レーダー、GPS、気圧・気温・湿度予測、高度、コンパス、無線、ソーラーパネル、12V・100Vバッテリー、竿(ロッドキーパー)固定台、ラジオ、黒球、サーチライト、LEDライト、電動バッテリー(要予約)
  • 救助浮き輪、消火器、発煙筒、ロープ梯子等
  • 人口呼吸マスク(直接口をつけないで人口呼吸ができます)※女性や抵抗のある方に重宝しております。
  • 安全設備装備(ライフジャケット(ベストタイプ、腰巻きタイプ)全て桜マークのAタイプです。大人用(24人分)(オレンジ12人分、ベストタイプ5人分、腰巻タイプ7人分) 子供用(ベストタイプ4人分)
  • 絆創膏、消毒液、包帯等の簡易的な応急処置道具一式、真水(飲めます)は常時6リットル以上、揃えてあります。
  • iPhone、スマートフォン、デジカメ等の充電は無料です。


①新潟市信濃川 左岸 白山神社 やすらぎ堤(陸上競技場)近く。
















   MAIL nashirerastar@gmail.com

         LINE  @275ekyoq  https://lin.ee/tW3wmSX 

































⑨※免責事項 下記の場合、自船(船長、副船長、甲板員)は一切責任を負いません。













国の機関もしくは地方公共団体またはその委託を受けた者が法令に定める事務をすることに対して 協力する必要がある場合であって、お客様本人の同意を得ることによる時。又は得ることが困難であるとき。


 ※内容等に不備、誤字脱字、ご質問等ありましたら お問い合わせ後、早期の改善修正等をいたしますので、              




①In Niigata City, Niigata Prefecture, pleasure fishing boats, sightseeing boats, rescue boats, fishing boats, sightseeing boats, work boats, charter boats, surveillance boats, fishing boats, circumnavigation, acting captains of ships and boats, warning boats, parties on board, underwater photography (underwater drones), sunset cruises, sunrise cruises, night fishing, overnight stays, ships for the handicapped, lure boats, etc. ... If you are looking for a boat, ocean, river, lake, pond, or anything on the water, leave it to Nasi Lerasta!

Fishing is the pleasure of finding a point by yourself, eating fish, and choosing the right equipment,

Fishing is a pleasure of finding a point by yourself, eating fish, choosing the right fishing gear, enjoying the game when you are with the fish, having fun the night before or in the morning, and enjoying the view from the river or the sea.

At Nasi Reraster, we believe that the process of fishing is also important, so we take you to the field where you want to fish at your favorite point! Therefore, we do not provide guiding services!

Also, we can take you to the precious date course between boyfriends and girlfriends, sightseeing from outside of the prefecture, foreign tourists, travelers from overseas, people who cannot get close to fishing, people in Niigata City who usually see but want to see the view from the river or the sea, memories of elderly people, and fishing enthusiasts who want to see the underwater! Want to see the bottom of the points you usually visit! Whale and dolphin watching, cruising, filming for TV stations, crews, press, location, etc., we can respond to various requests!

For those who have never been on a boat, want to try fishing, or just want to see the view from the water, Nasi Lerasta will teach you how to do so with the utmost privacy and privacy for beginners and non-fishermen!
Women and children do not need to worry as there are restrooms and safety features on board.
There is a basic fee, but if you like nature, the ocean, mountains, rivers, outdoors, or indoors, freedom is the best!
The boat is open to everyone equally, regardless of age, gender, disability, wheelchair, LGBT, LGBTQ, GID, MtF, FtM, pets, or nationality!

Please feel free to ask us about the amount, route, time, lures, bait, jigs, river construction, sightseeing, etc. We will be close to your request if you can enjoy it!

We are a small boat, so we can move to any point or place you want to go to immediately!
We also sell seasonal fish and agricultural products to private customers and restaurants.
Re; is... We are a company that repeatedly promotes the sea, mountains, rivers, fields, rice paddies, nature, environment, etc. through ECO biotope and SDGs,

What is Firms! We hope to contribute to society and children through our activities and production to let them know about Food, Fun, Economy, Pleasure and Laughter.

Blog https://ameblo.jp/nashirerastar/
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/nashirerastar
Nashirera Star - Sailing from Niigata Nishi Portnashirera-star.jp
 Please visit our website, Instagram, etc. for the latest information.


②Shared Ride


Ride time

Approximately 5 hours on both weekends.


Morning service: 4:00~11:00 (landing)

Afternoon service: 11:30~16:00 (landing)

Night service: 18:00~18:00 (landing)

(The time varies depending on the time of year, weather, sea and water conditions, etc. Please consult with us. Please consult with us. (Half-day (about 5 hours)


Half-day morning (about 5 hours)

General 1 person: 8,000 yen

Women and children (elementary school age and under) 1 person: 6,500 yen

Senior (70 years old and over) 1 person: 7,500 yen

Half-day afternoon (approx. 5 hours)

General 1 person: 8,000 yen

One woman and one child (elementary school student or younger): 6,500 yen

Senior (70 years old and over) 1 person: 7,500 yen

Weekends and holidays: + 800 yen (per person)


Half-day extension fee is 1,200 yen (per person) for 1 hour (weekends and holidays).


One day (8 hours on weekdays)

General 1 person: 9,800 yen

1 woman: 8,000 yen

One child (elementary school student or younger): 5,000 yen

Extension fee is 1,200 yen per person per hour (on weekends and holidays).


The time is subject to change depending on the season and weather conditions.


If you return to port early due to sea conditions, please be assured that the fee will be based on the hourly rate.

Children must be accompanied by a parent or guardian when boarding.


Charter (Tailored, Charter)

Charter (tailor-made) - 1 day (9 hours on weekdays), 4 persons~ departure 56,000 yen~ (tax included)


          One day (9 hours on Saturdays, Sundays, and national holidays) 65,000 yen~ (tax included)


Half day morning, afternoon (weekdays, Saturdays, Sundays and national holidays)

Sunrise~sunset (desired time~6 hours)

Full day (weekdays, Saturdays, Sundays and national holidays)

Sunrise to sunset (desired time ~ 9 hours)

Extension of private use is 1,500 yen (per person) per hour (weekdays, Saturdays, Sundays, and national holidays).


The amount will change if there are several women, children, or seniors.


Hours are subject to change depending on the season and weather.

Night Boat 
Weekday night
10,500 yen/person, women 9,000 yen/person, elementary school students 8,000 yen/person
Departure time 17:00, return time 22:00

Weekday late night
12,500yen/person, Female 10,500yen/person, Elementary school student 9,000yen/person

Departure time 23:00, Return time 04:00

Saturday, Sunday and holiday eve
12,500/person, Female 10,500/person, Elementary school student 9,000 yen/person
Departure time 17:00, Return time 22:00

Saturday, Sunday and national holidays before midnight
138,00yen/person, women 11,500yen/person, elementary school students 9,500yen/person
Departure time 23:00, Return time 04:00

Charter】】 weekday night
Weekday night
11,500/person 4-6 persons, 7 persons - additional 8,800 yen/person

Departure time 17:00, Return time 22:00

Weekday night
13,800/person4-6 persons, additional 10,000 yen/person from 7 persons
Departure time 23:00Return time 04:00

Weekends and holidays eve
14,000 yen/person4-6 persons, additional 11,500 yen/person from 7 persons

Departure time 17:00Return time 22:00

Saturday, Sunday and national holidays before midnight
15,500 yen/person4-6 persons, additional 12,500 yen/person from 7 persons

Departure time 23:00Return time 04:00

*Reservations for fishing boats, passenger boats, and charter boats (tailoring) should be made for a minimum of 4 persons.

Reservations for less than 4 people and up to 3 people are an additional 1,500 yen per person. Reservations for up to 2 persons are an additional ¥2,000.

Cruising and sightseeing boats
Morning service Adult (junior high school student or older) ... 3,500 yen Elementary school student ... 1,750 yen Infant (from 2 years old to less than elementary school student) ... 1,000 yen Persons with disabilities ... 3,150 yen Silver (60 years old or older) ... 3000yen *Please make a reservation for 4-8 persons.

Afternoon service Adult (junior high school student or older) ... 4,500 yen Elementary school student ... 2,600 yen Infant (from 2 years old to less than elementary school student) ... 1,500 yen Persons with disabilities ... 4,000 yen Silver (60 years old or older) ... 4,500 yen *Please make a reservation for 4-8 persons.

Shared Ride (weekdays 30 min~1 hr.) sunset~(time, weekends, holidays, negotiable) (shore landing)

Charter (60 minutes to 2 hours on weekdays) from sunset to (hours and weekends/holidays upon request) (landing)
2 persons ~ 20,000 yen

Please contact us for more than 2 hours of charter.

Weekday night 2 hours between 17:00 and 22:00 8,000 yen/person

Saturday, Sunday, and holiday eve 2 hours between 17:00 and 23:00 10,000 yen/person

*Expedition flight ・Half day (6 hours on weekdays) between sunrise~sunset (mileage (distance limited))
1 person~27,000yen~.

Full day (9 hours on weekdays) between sunrise and sunset (limited distance): 1 person ~55,000 yen~.
Hand held fishing experience
        Extension 1 hour (weekends and holidays) 5,000 yen (1 person) (tax included)
Morning service (about 2 hours) Adult (junior high school student or older) ... 5,500 yen Elementary school student ... 2,800 yen Infant (from 2 years old to less than elementary school student) ... 1,000 yen Persons with disabilities ... 4,000 yen Silver (60 years old or older) 4,500 yen *4 ~Please make a reservation for 4-8 people *Including equipment rental fee *The price will change depending on the time.

Afternoon service Adults (junior high school students and older) ... 6,500 yen Elementary school students ... 3,800 yen Infants (2 years old and up to elementary school students) ... 1,800 yen Physically challenged people ... 4,800 yen Silver (60 years old and older) 5,500 yen *Reservations must be made in groups of 4 to 8 people. Please make a reservation *Including equipment rental fee *The amount varies depending on the time of the tour.

Reservations for 3 people or less than 4 people for sightseeing boats, cruising, and empty-handed fishing experience will be an additional 500 yen per person.

*Girls' party, high school students' party, seniors' party, disabled persons' party, family party, other nationalities' party, 4 to 5 persons? 6% OFF! 6 to 8 people? %OFF!  
If you return to port early due to sea conditions, you can rest assured that your fare will be at the hourly rate.
Children must be accompanied by a parent or guardian when boarding.
**Please consult with us in case of any other circumstances that prevent us from meeting the rate, time, or number of passengers.
Fees are subject to change depending on the time of year, weather, and conditions at sea and on the water. Please consult with us.

Underwater photography
Order (location instructions)
From 10,000 yen
Customer on-site confirmation
20,000 yen~
450 per photo (including tax), 1,400 yen per video within 30 seconds (including tax). Other conditions are available upon request.
Depth and other conditions apply.

We will provide you with underwater photos and videos at a later date.

Direction, etc.
Please consult with us about the production, props, settings, and price, etc. for sightseeing tours, sightseeing courses, parties, etc.

Nashirer Star original stickers: large, medium, small, 100 yen/each (Each person who comes on board will receive one if they wish!)

Payment Method
Please keep your change if you pay in cash upon your return to the port.

Various cashless and online payment services are available.

We offer discounts for those who have little fishing experience, memories, sightseeing, and trips, etc. Please contact us for details.

Point card (various rewards available)
Points are awarded for fish caught, lunker size, and number of fish caught!
Points will be awarded even if the boat is cancelled due to rough seas! (For reservations made up to 4 days in advance)
Blog, Twitter, and Instagram followers discount (first time only, show your screen for 300 yen discount)
Show a photo of you with the original Nashire Rasta sticker on it (first time only, 300 yen discount upon presentation of the screen)
Parent-child experience treatment and discounts
Discount for disabled persons (5%) Discount for accompanying persons
Sign language and written communication are available for the hearing impaired (deaf and hard of hearing). For the visually impaired (blind and visually-impaired), Braille information is also available. (Member of Guide Dog Association for the Blind)

All prices above include tax.

③Preparation for the day before 

Sudden rain, wind, weather, weather conditions, etc. can change, so wear water-repellent rain gear and a yakke,
Long-sleeved long pants, hat, gloves, sunglasses, boots, towel, and clothes that can get dirty,
Please bring water-repellent rain gear, yakke, long-sleeved long pants, hat, gloves, sunglasses, boots, towel, clothes that can get dirty, and non-slip shoes. (Please refrain from wearing spiked shoes as they may damage the hull of the boat.)
(Please refrain from wearing spiked shoes, as they may damage the hull of the boat, 
Please prepare a waterproof bag for cell phones, cameras, rusty items, etc., and put them in it.
If you are concerned about sunburn, please prepare sunscreen.

Bring plenty of drinks in summer or when the temperature is high.
In the case of low temperatures or windy conditions, it is more difficult to imagine what it is like on the sea than on land, so please bring heavy clothing, body warmers, and hot water to keep your body temperature down,         
Please wear warm clothes, body warmer, hot water, etc. to keep your body temperature down.

Please bring your own snacks, packed lunches, meals, drinks, etc.    
All tools (tackle, etc.) are available for rent during the day for 2,500 yen (tax included).
(Tax is included.) The cost of traps, bait, etc. is not included in the price. (Reservations required).
(In case of loss, damage, etc., the fee will be charged separately.)
 Life jackets, wet wipes, paper cups, disposable chopsticks, and gloves are free of charge.
(There is a limit to the number of items that can be used.)

Bottled ice water (drinkable) 600 yen (tax included) per bottle (1.5~2 liters)
(600 yen (tax included) (We always have a few bottles available, but reservations are required)
Ziploc bags (each) 50 yen~ (tax included)

Weak waterproof (carrying case) 250 yen per piece (tax included)
Anti-seasickness drops: 850 yen per box (tax included)
Salt neutralizer spray: 100 yen per spray (tax included)
(Use for other than precision instruments, cell phones, reel gears, electronic parts of electric reels, etc. (There are times)

Parking: You can park in the parking lot near the port of embarkation,
Parking fee will be refunded at a later date with receipt. (If you have a lot of luggage, we can help you. (If you have a lot of luggage, we can help you.)

(1) Prepare early the day before the cruise, go to bed early, and get plenty of sleep.

(2) Please take anti-sickness medicine one hour before boarding.
(3) If you are worried about sickness, it may be effective to eat a drop of candy, a banana, etc.

 (4) Do not drink too much alcohol or fat the day before.

  (4) Avoid heavy drinking, fatty foods, and overeating the day before the cruise, and eat an eight-portion meal the day before the cruise.
(3) If you get seasick after leaving the port, there is a spell that will help you.

The position and location of the ship is basically free, but if it does not meet your request, we will ask you to decide it by yourself.

Please note that the route, points of interest, and order of sightseeing may not be in accordance with your wishes.

When a marine warning (wind, fog, etc.) or wave warning is issued or in effect.

        Wind speed at the port of departure or destination is 10m/s or higher.

        Wave height: 1.5m or higher

        Visibility 200m or less

When a marine warning (wind, fog, etc.) or wave warning is in effect.

      When there is a sudden illness or injury during use.

      Wind speed at sea is 10m/s or higher.

      Wave height: 1.5m or higher

      Visibility is 200m or less.

In the event of any of the above, fishing, sightseeing, and other activities will be suspended and the vessel will return to port. (The vessel will not sail).

 In such cases, the captain or co-captain of the vessel will cancel the fishing, sightseeing, viewing, etc. and return to port. (The vessel will not sail).


④About the ship
Maximum number of passengers: 12, Length: approx. 10m, Width: approx. 3m, 240p engine
For safety reasons, the maximum number of passengers on board is limited to 11. (The captain and two co-captains or deck officers are always on board, so the maximum number of passengers is 9.)

Flush toilets, hand washing tanks, in-cabin sleeping quarters
Fish finder, radar, GPS, barometric pressure, temperature, humidity forecast, altitude, compass, radio, solar panel, 12V/100V battery, rod keeper, radio, black ball, searchlight, LED light, electric battery (reservation required)
Rescue floats, fire extinguishers, smoke bombs, rope ladders, etc.
Breathing masks (for artificial respiration without directly putting on the mouth) *Very useful for women and those with resistance to breathing.
Safety equipment equipment (life jackets (vest type, waist-worn type) all are type A with cherry blossom mark) For adults (for 24 people) (orange for 12 people, vest type for 5 people, waist wrap type for 7 people) For children (vest type for 4 people)
First aid kit including bandages, disinfectant, bandages, etc., and at least 6 liters of fresh water (drinkable) are available at all times.
Charging of iPhones, smart phones, digital cameras, etc. is free.
Departure point
(1) Left bank of the Shinano River, Niigata City, near the Hakusan Shrine Yasuragi Jyutsumi (athletic field).

(2) Bandai Terrace Hajimari Hiroba (right bank) is available for departure, return, and pick-up on the way.

We have comprehensive insurance for fishing boats (for pleasure boats, sightseeing boats, cruising boats, etc.), so we can provide coverage in case of injury or accident.

For the disabled and people of other nationalities
Hearing impaired persons (deaf and hard of hearing) can be accommodated by sign language and written communication.

For the visually impaired (blind and visually-impaired), Braille guidance is also available. (Members of the Guide Dog Association for the Blind)

Wheelchair users: If you let us know in advance, we will prepare a wheelchair stand, etc.

English-language information is available. If necessary, we can dispatch an interpreter in cooperation with us. Please consult with us.

⑤ Cancellation three days in advance, cancellation on the day before or on the day of the tour, no-show, cancellation without notice, or not being on time for departure will incur full charges.
If you miss the departure time, please contact us about 10 minutes prior to the departure time, or we will contact you from here, and unless there is a valid reason, the boat will be dispatched.
Please feel free to contact us if you have any concerns, questions, or concerns.
*Basically, we will sail with a minimum of 4 people. (For those with less than 4 people, please refer to the price list.)
*When making reservations by phone, fax, line, or e-mail, please be sure to state or verbally inform us of the date and time of sailing, your name, and phone number. If you do not provide this information, your reservation will not be accepted.

If you need any tools, traps, bait, etc., please let us know at the time of reservation.

If you are making a reservation for sightseeing, sightseeing boat, cruising, fishing, etc., please let us know the route you would like to take (we may not be able to meet your request due to the number of passengers, order, etc.).

*Please consult with us about charter, tailoring, one-person charter, and shared rides. One person can charter a boat (depending on the amount and conditions).

   MAIL nashirerastar@gmail.com

         LINE @275ekyoq https://lin.ee/tW3wmSX 

Cancellation 3 days in advance, the day before, or the day of the event, unauthorized absence, cancellation without notice, or failure to show up on time will result in the full amount of the charter fee being charged. (If you miss the sailing time, cancellation up to 2 days prior to the sailing time will be accepted unless there is a valid reason)
If you have any questions or concerns, please consult with the captain or assistant captain.

⑥* Comprehensive insurance for pleasure boats (pleasure boats, sightseeing boats, cruising, etc.)
We have insurance to cover you in case of injury, accident, etc.

⑦ *To all users

Please be aware that the number of passengers on board is limited to the maximum number.
We will not accept any request that disregards safety.
We do not permit persons who are under the influence of excessive alcohol, large amounts of alcoholic beverages, or dangerous substances to board the vessel.
Please follow the captain's or co-captain's instructions regarding the operation of the fishing boat.
Please follow the captain's or co-captain's instructions regarding onboard transportation, smoking, wearing life-saving appliances, etc.
Please refrain from consuming alcoholic beverages on board.
Please refrain from any activities that may disturb other anglers, visitors, spectators, or people on land.
Please do not dispose of trash, but take it home with you.
Please follow the instructions of the captain, co-captain, deck officers, and the chief of fishing operations.
*Manners on the water and on board
Consideration for fishermen. (Fishing methods, business, aquaculture, supplemental fishing, etc. (fish and shellfish, etc.))
Do not pollute the sea, rivers, lakes, ponds, etc.
Observe the rules as a human being.
Help and cooperate with each other.
Be mindful that everyone, young and old, able-bodied and disabled, adults, children, infants, etc., can have a good time.
When you are on a boat, you are all friends.
Be careful, wait for them, trust them, and do not betray them.
Obey the Fisheries Law, Fisheries Resources Protection Law, rules, instructions, regulations, and agreements.
Report, contact, and consult about anything else you notice.

⑧*Corona measures 

   If you need a mask, they are available for purchase. (100 yen per sheet) (tax included)

   Alcohol is available on board.

   We disinfect the cabin, lounge, deck, etc. each time we return to port.

   We take measures against corona according to each passenger's needs.

The ship (captain, co-captain, and deck staff) will not be held liable for the following cases: ・Tackle while on board, and the ship's crew will not be held liable for any damage to the ship.

   ∙ Falling into water, breakdown, or submergence of tackle or belongings while on board the vessel.

   Accidents, theft, or trouble in the parking lot.

   Accidents, injuries, loss of belongings, submergence, breakdown, etc., caused by disobeying the captain's or co-captain's instructions while on board the vessel.

⑨In the case of intentional damage to the hull, engine, etc., or failure to follow the rules, the customer will be billed separately for the full amount of the damage.

⑩* Handling and protection of personal information
We promise to handle your personal information appropriately in accordance with our Privacy Policy.
We will destroy the user list after one week.
We will not use your personal information for any purpose other than for ship reservations, accidents, injuries, etc.
We will provide our employees with regular training on the protection of personal information, and will strictly manage the personal information of our customers.
We will not disclose or provide customers' personal information to any third party.
However, exceptions are made in the following cases (1), (2), and (3).
(1) When it is necessary for the protection of a person's life, body, or property, and it is difficult to obtain the customer's consent.

(2) Cases in which the provision of personal information is particularly necessary for improving public health or promoting the sound growth of children and in which it is difficult to obtain the consent of the customer.

(iii) When it is necessary to cooperate with a national agency, a local government, or an individual or entity entrusted by either a national agency or local government to perform duties as prescribed by law, and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the customer. (4) When it is difficult to obtain the consent of the customer.

Unauthorized use of the contents, text, or images on this site, including unauthorized reproduction, duplication, or alteration, is strictly prohibited.

 If you have any questions or comments, please contact us and we will do our best to improve or correct them as soon as possible,              
We will make improvements and corrections as soon as possible after your inquiry.

*The above information is current as of Tuesday, January 23, 2024. Please note that the above information is subject to change without notice.