コロナウィルスにより様々な影響が出ている中、GT World Challengeも開幕戦マレーシア、第二戦タイが中止となりました。


代替レースとしてGT World Challengeでは初開催となるオートポリスが新たにシリーズき加わる事になりました。


May 23/24 - Fuji Speedway

June 20/21 - Suzuka International Circuit

July 11/12 - Autopolis 

September 12/13 - Shanghai International Circuit

October 17/18 - Shanghai 888



OFFICIAL STATEMENT: Rounds one and two of this year’s GT World Challenge Asia Powered by AWS campaign have been postponed due to ongoing concerns regarding the spread of COVID-19 (coronavirus).

The Malaysian government’s decision to suspend all public gatherings until the end of April has contributed towards the opening round at Sepang no longer taking place as planned on March 28/29. SRO Motorsports Group has also chosen to postpone its Thai round at Buriram (scheduled for April 25/26) in order to protect team members, participants and partners whose safety is of paramount importance.

SRO has also implemented a contingency plan that sees Autopolis in Japan join this year’s schedule. Subject to further national and global developments, the event will take place on July 11/12 following existing rounds at Suzuka and Fuji. The latter is now provisionally set to open the season on May 23/24.

Both Chinese events at Shanghai are expected to go ahead as planned in September and October.

Another event, set to take place at the end of the season, will be confirmed in due course. Ultimately, GT World Challenge Asia organisers fully intend to stage six rounds as per this year’s original schedule.

Further information will be communicated as and when appropriate.