Unfortunately, people who have been accustomed since childhood to drinking water from the tap, soda machines, springs, and wells without boiling do not always understand that drinking water must be filtered.

However, after realizing this, they begin to collect information about which filter will suit their particular case.

Often, people get the information they need to decide from friends, the Internet, and the media. Let's figure out what household water filters are available on the Repair Service Bro market and for what purposes they are used.

Here is a sample list:

  1. Water Filtration Jug
  2. Flow-through under-sink cleaning system
  3. Faucet attachment
  4. Tabletop flow-through water filter
  5. Under-sink reverse osmosis system with or without storage tank
  6. Mainline filters
  7. Domestic water treatment system for home or cottage
  8. Country house flow water purification system
  9. Polyphosphate cartridges

The criteria for choosing the filter type:

A water filtration pitcher is the most straightforward system, with a vertical filling of water for filtration. A cartridge carries out filtration. There are several types of cartridges: complex purification, purification of hard water, and bactericidal against iron. Different manufacturers' names may differ slightly, but this is the purpose. A small resource, the need to change cartridges, a high overall cost of water purification, a limited amount of water, and a low filtration rate make pitchers not an ideal choice. Therefore, they are bought by people who want to avoid approaching the study of the filtration issue seriously or who want to buy a filter for the lowest starting price. The choice of a pitcher is justified under the condition of low consumption. The RO Service in Patna is constantly working to increase the resource of cartridges for pitchers, and recent studies show that in terms of virological purification and the resource of removing hardness salts, Geyser pitchers have no analogs on the Indian market. The cost can vary from 200-300 rubles to 1-2 thousand.

Maintenance of systems in a country house

If the station operates in automatic mode, monitoring the presence of regeneration in the tank must be done relatively often. But after several years of installation, more severe intervention may be required:

•             Replacement of filter material. Each backfill has a shelf life because it is subject to physical wear and tear and loss of original properties due to the disruption of chemical bonds. Find your download here.

•             Cleaning of the load. Sometimes, due to incorrect station operation, iron oxides are formed on the surface of the fill, preventing the normal flow of exchange and sorption processes. In this case, treatment with a bactericidal resin cleaner—BOC—helps. This is a solution for phosphoric acid, which can also be found in our catalog.

•             Flushing the tank with a regenerating solution. Mechanical cleaning of the moving parts in the tank from salt deposits is involved.

•             Maintenance of the control unit. Washing parts in contact with water, lubricating moving parts, and replacing damaged parts.

Such work should be preventive and carried out at least once every two years. Any other approach entails the emergence of complex faults, the elimination of which is much more expensive than the maintenance costs.

Do you want your filter to last longer and your water always to be clean and tasty?

Contact RO service in Zirakpur for service. We provide such services in Zirakpur. If you need to solve the issue of servicing a water treatment station, we can go to any point in Patna. For service questions, write to the chat or call the phone numbers at the top of the site.