I got up at 5 maybe due to a jet lug.

I played with dogs until someone got up.

I went for Sunday morning market.by bike.

On the way to the market, I got Asai bowl that host mother reccommended in Down to Earth.

Unfortunately,I dropped it. I bought more expensive...

The market is more small than Farmer's market in Waikiki.

However I'm interested in seeing many vegetable and something in a market.

I like the place where local gathers.

After that, I took an English lesson by my host mother.

Remarkably it was difficult to judge tense.

As I know I couldn't do listening well.

I went Kaneohe by her car with host mother and dogs (they are twin!)

Kaneohe is wildness area. The view of many nature became my favorite.

We ate lunch at horbor and went open house where host father work.

The sight from the house is very nice. I want my house in this area..

I went a nail salon.

In the tropical area but I had done nothing on my foot nail.because I had have no time.

I wanted to go that so I'm happy that she ask that.

This is a good day! Tommorrow I will go to beach early in the morning.