Voice of world leader【1】 | 中杉 弘の徒然日記

中杉 弘の徒然日記


How did leader of each county see Japan?


Japan is not a war criminal.


Rather it is America that should be judged!




Voices of leaders who value Japan at the time.




Marshal MacArthur


There is practically noting indigenous to Japan except the silkworm. They lack cotton, they lack wool, they lack petroleum products, they lack tin, they lack rubber, they lack great many other things, all of which was in the Asiatic basin. They feared if those supplies were cut off, there would be 10 to 12 million people unoccupied in Japan. Their purpose, therefore in going to war was largely dictated by security.




Charles Andrew Willoughby, Chief of the second General Staff Section in GHQ




The Tokyo trial is the worst hypocrisy ever. If America were in the same situation as Japan, we would have fought like Japan.




Logan Attorney


To tell the truth, I regretted accepting this case. Because this is a trial without win. However, every time a research study was conducted, Japan’s innocence was proved. From the beginning, Japan has no ambition to invade the world.


They are all innocent. If there is anything that can judge them, it must be only Japanese.




A. Frank ReelAttorney


Any American who loves their homeland will find this court record shameful.


There can be no trial where has no lawyer.




Helen Mears(Sociologist)


Tokyo trial is obviously not justice. I can’t understand why America can punish Japan.




Arnold Joseph Toynbeehistorian


In WW Japanese left a great history for the countries that benefited from the war rather than for Japan. There countries and the short-lived ideals of Japan are included in the Great East Asia Mutual Prosperity Zone.


The biggest achievement left by the Japanese is that the westerners who ruled the world were not undefeated.




Herbert George Wells (Sci-fi writer)


Loser of that war is not Japan. It is the loser that Western power who almost lost colony.




U Nu (Foreign Minister of Burma)


Moved by the height of ideals and goals, a nation sacrificed all of their life and property for independence and liberation of the people in Asia. That country is an island country in the Far East called Japan.




Ba Maw(Prime Minister of Burma)


It was Japan that rescued us from dominated by Caucaisian. We will not forget its benefit. No country has contributed to Japanese and Asia. No country is as misleading as Japan.




Kukrit Pramoj (Prime Minister of Ratcha Anachak Thai)


Japan made Asia independent.


Our mother, Japan, broke her body and gave birth to children of Asian countries. Who can help Asian countries talk equally with the West? Because there was a mother named Japan who killed herself and gave birth to. We shall not forget the day our mother decided to give birth. Do all her power


We shouldn't forget the day, August 15 when she exhausted full strength, bore our country and ran out of all her power.




Former Deputy Prime Minister, Kingdom of Thailand


A new independent country appeared like the phoenix by Japanese brave fight. It’s too obvious who to thank.




Jawaharlal Nehru (First Prime Minister of Republic of India)


Japan does not make us need an apology.


We don't attend San Francisco peace conference, don't also sign a treaty.




Owen Lattimore (Private adviser of Republic of China)


Japanese great achievement that destroyed a European and American colony empire perfectly.




Dr. Bhulabhai Desai (Senior of the legal circles in India)


India’s independence hastened thanks to Japan for 30 years.


We should not forget debt of gratitude from Japan.








『中杉 弘のブログ』2006年より、好評連載中です!

