“The Emperor inherits the ancestry of the God.” | 中杉 弘の徒然日記

中杉 弘の徒然日記


This thought should be in the foundation of Japanese Constitution.



The emperor is not a symbol of Japanese but a symbol of “Reikon.”

It means the root of everything.

“Long live the Emperor!” (天皇陛下万歳)means that the life of the emperor is eternal.

It is also determined that the Japanese will work hard to make this country.

Yukio Mishima asked not to do his funeral in Buddhism.

Because Buddhism denies reincarnation.

He learned “Upanishad philosophy” of Buddhism thought that he couldn’t be reborn if his soul was denied.

However, it is wrong.

Buddhism preaches all living things die.

All living things in this world is be destined sick and dies, cannot be stopped anywhere.

What is the root that sends life into this world?

All living things are born from there.

He told that he was born seven times in Japan and will serve Japan.

His thought is “God” in Japan Shinto preaches.

He has no desire.

He thought that death was like taking off clothes.

Kamikaze corps said that they take off their clothes because their soul shall meet in Yasukuni shrine!

Completely different from us.

It was the Emperor who gave life to Japan.

Long live the Emperor!” means that we may die or dedicate our life to the reborn the Emperor.

This thought must be the foundation of Article 1 of the Japanese Constitution.

The emperor seen from the Westerners is a symbol of Japan.

But there is so such existence in Japanese history.

The Kamikaze corps have a cheerful smile like going to a sports game tomorrow.

The holy precincts where they gather is Yasukuni Shrine.

It is wonderful world for them.

Japan Shinto preaches that humans were originally created from “Reikon”, The holy precincts center of Yasukuni Shrine is the Emperor Yasukuni Shrine where Kamikaze corps return.

I guess, Kamikaze corps told that they attacked the battleships and return here, then the Emperor praised them that they worked hard, to be born again as human, this is natural for Japanese.

This is natural for Japanese.

But this was a terrible thought for a Caucasian.

This would mean tens of thousands of Japanese.

Even if Japanese with such thought is destroyed, they cannot kill Japanese.

This thought to which Japanese is peculiar must be in the foundation of Japanese Constitution!

The current constitution does not represent the Japanese.

Kamikaze corps showed that life is lighter than feathers for Japanese.

Kamikaze corps take off their bodies like feathers, then their spirit will come out there.

Japanese must gaze up Kamikaze corps as God, we should do the behavior which made them a model when a national crisis.

Generally speaking, humans have honor and various desires and cannot abandon desires.

Desires is to be abandoned, who is it for?

Japanese should dedicate for the Emperor is for Japan.

Without such thoughts, the constitution would be fictional!

This must be known as Japanese.

Afraid of this, Koreans and Chinese insist Japanese must not worship to Yasukuni Shrine.

But it is natural for Japanese, eventually Japanese will return the holy precincts.

Without Yasukuni Shrine, there is no holy precincts for spirits to gather.

The Emperor is the presence of God in the world with the form of a human, has both “God” and human nature.

However, the current constitution has no such a thought is fictional with the symbolic Emperor theory.

The constitution of Japan must express how successive Emperors continues 126 generations were considered.

The battle that Japanese fought for the release of Asian countries from colony, must call the Greater East Asia War, not the Pacific War.

What is going to protect the Pacific Ocean?

In those days, Japanese stood with sword to release Asian countries colonized by Western Powers.

But Chinese Chiang Kaishek's military attacked Japan since couldn’t understand wished to be slave of a Caucasian.

Normally there can be no such stupid attacked.

Because Japanese must think about the Emperor of Article 1 of the Constitution after understanding these.

Do we have to enact the Constitution of Japan a written law?

Considering how the successive Emperors were thought, we can see how history was like now.

For example, when the Emperor was attacked by the enemy, what the Emperors did?

Actually, the Emperor took the lead!

Once the Empress Jingu went to suppress Korea by the husband's surrogate who has died, also while pregnant.

What is the identity of the Emperor?

If you forget the fight you will be enslaved.

The Emperor knows that well will never forget because has a sword in the court ceremony.

Japan’s three sacred treasures also have swords that the symbol of battle.

The people who forget to fight shall be enslaved!

Each race must always be aware of “Death.”

Yukio Mishima told that good civilization is to live and die need both the philosophy of living and dying.

Actually, Japan Shinto preaches what to devote our life.

Soon the Emperor must destroy the fictional constitution that is the symbol of Japan!

The thought of what time to return to is meaningless.

None the Emperor escaped in an emergency!

Surprisingly, at that time of the 2.26 incident, the Emperor Showa tried to suppress himself.

To tell the truth, Japanese Emperor's history of successive generations was continuation of fight in the period of reign.










『中杉 弘のブログ』2006年より、好評連載中です!

