Chapter 1 The Constitution of Japan | 中杉 弘の徒然日記

中杉 弘の徒然日記


The Constitution of Japan is complete fiction.

In fact, it is “Occupation Fundamental Law”!


Chapter 1

The Constitution of Japan


“Isn’t there anybody who will die by hitting the constitution?”


In November 25, 1970.

In front of Japan Ground Self-Defense Force in Ichigaya, five men got out of the car.

They wore military uniform come out of the car, it was very fine that the French would like.

Gatekeeper restrained Mishima when he lowered his sword to his waist.

Mishima replied, ”This is a commanding sword for today’s practice.”

The person's status knows what kind of saber to have.

He was dignified wearing a Japanese sword, actually.

And he entered imposing from the main gate, they decided that the constitution would not change unless it was otherwise revised, and the members of the “Tate no Kai.”

It is the private defense organization to prepare for an indirect invasion, organized Japanese culture and tradition as a soldier collective of the volunteer citizen who defends desperately by a Japanese sword.

Then two of them stood up and he was made into the chair.

Mishima told that Masuda this was a good sword wasn’t it.

“Please be patient for a while.” and they put a sofa on the door to make a barricade so no one can enter.

So when Mishima went out balcony and started the speech, the member of Self-Defense Forces surprised and everyone suddenly gathered and shouted at Mishima.

He was prepared.

Hachimaki(it is a cloth headband whose color is white)was wrapped around his head, and he killed himself.

However, he was killed deeply that his neck slid back.

His sword hit the skull on Mishima’s neck, and finally he swung Mishima’s head off the third time.

This incident has been over 40 years since Mishima’s death in 1970, and the essence of this has been forgotten.

In those days various speculations flew.

The essence is one.

It is the problem that this Constitution of Japan will not regenerate unless it is revised now.

It must be destroyed in decades.

That’s why the SDF’s disposal asked whether it should not be changed.

In particular, Article 9 of the Constitution denies the SDF.

SDF are designated because the land, sea, air, and other forces do not hold the right to engage in the purpose of Article 9-2.

It is impossible to protect the person who denies himself what the staff who wants to follow the constitution that is prescribed.

So Mishima insisted stand with me, but they could not understand his real intention.

Mishima thought that if it could reform Japan, it was could by SDF.

Brainwashing has progressed to such an extent that the constitution can be changed by election.

It is wrong that Constitutional amendment.

This is because GHQ, which has been well brainwashed.

Constitution has enacted 24 years ago.

I will write this question from now on whether the constitutional amendment is good.

Japan should never stand up as long as there is this constitution.

Who is in it to keep the constitution?

Supreme Court Justice Intellectuals from the University of Tokyo.

They thanks to this constitution, Japan have prospered after the war because of this constitution.

Is that really so?

More than 70 years have passed since the constitution was promulgated in November 1947.

Japanese also must realize what kind of poison this constitution has.

First of all, what kind of country is around Japan is the first recognition.

Where are the peace-loving nations?

If you are grateful for the constitution, answer this question!

Is China a peace-loving nation?

China has 400 nuclear bombs that targeting for Japan!

China trying to take the Senkaku archipelago, reclaiming it without permission from Spratly Islands, expelled the Dalai Lama in Tibet and slaughtered tens of thousands of Tibetans and selling their organs.

The ugly Chinese are peace-loving nations can be seen by looking at the history of the Communist Party.

How many Mao Zedong killed?

He killed 60 million people!

The Communist Party gained power by killing 60 million people!

In Tenanmon Square, 30,000 students who seeking peace were killed.

The killed corpse became messed up.

It’s like a mountain of mince.

It is the Communist Party who did this and now it never comes out when searching in Tenannmon Square in China.

China doesn’t like this fact but now everyone knows.

That means that the same thing will be done if you belong to China in The Belt and Road Initiative.

Intellectuals have amazing knowledge of capitalism and China killed.

And China wants only adolescents because they are innocent.

However, people in China’s 30’s to 50’s are full of capitalism, so this is no use.

China thinks that they should be grown by communist thought.

North Korea sneaks the world secretly to make hundreds of nuclear bomb.

But it is dirty that they cannot set for America.

Moreover, the North Korean Army is hungry and has no shoes to wear no food or salary.

It is said that North Korean people are 10cm shorter than South Korean.

Kim Jong ll has killed more than 100 people.

His close relatives were killed by high-firing artillery!

“Human barbecue” can be making by killing with high-firing artillery!

And he made a Doberman eat human meat.

Such a terrible thing!

Kim is mere a murderer.







『中杉 弘のブログ』2006年より、好評連載中です!
