英国中央銀行にインフレ目標と量的緩和について学ぼう!←これが「悪魔の手法」といえますか? | 中川秀直オフィシャルブログ「志士の目」by Ameba






中銀インフレ報告、追加量的緩和に含み 経済は縮小寸前の危機
2011年 11月 17日 01:48 JST
[ロンドン 16日 ロイター] イングランド銀行(英中央銀行)は16日、四半期インフレ報告を公表した。英国経済は縮小の危機にひんしていると指摘、インフレは目標を大幅に下回るとの見通しを示し、成長支援に向けた追加量的緩和の実施に含みを持たせた。










Monetary Policy

One of the Bank of England's two core purposes is monetary stability. Monetary stability means stable prices - low inflation - and confidence in the currency. Stable prices are defined by the Government's inflation target, which the Bank seeks to meet through the decisions taken by the Monetary Policy Committee.

A principal objective of any central bank is to safeguard the value of the currency in terms of what it will purchase. Rising prices – inflation – reduces the value of money. Monetary policy is directed to achieving this objective and providing a framework for non-inflationary economic growth. As in most other developed countries, monetary policy usually operates in the UK through influencing the price at which money is lent – the interest rate. However, in March 2009 the Bank's Monetary Policy Committee announced that in addition to setting Bank Rate, it would start to inject money directly into the economy by purchasing assets - often known as quantitative easing. This means that the instrument of monetary policy shifts towards the quantity of money provided rather than the price at which the Bank lends or borrows money.

Low inflation is not an end in itself. It is however an important factor in helping to encourage long-term stability in the economy. Price stability is a precondition for achieving a wider economic goal of sustainable growth and employment. High inflation can be damaging to the functioning of the economy. Low inflation can help to foster sustainable long-term economic growth.

Inflation Report
The Bank's quarterly Inflation Report was first published in 1993. The Report sets out the detailed economic analysis and inflation projections on which the Bank's Monetary Policy Committee bases its interest rate decisions, and presents an assessment of the prospects for UK inflation.

The Report starts with an overview of economic developments; this is followed by five sections:

•analysis of money and asset prices
•analysis of demand
•analysis of output and supply
•analysis of costs and prices
•assessment of the medium-term inflation prospects and risks
If you have any questions or would like to give us feedback regarding the Inflation Report, you can contact the editor at ma_editor@bankofengland.co.uk.

For more information and details of how to obtain copies, please see our 'How to Obtain' at the top of this page.

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Inflation Report
November 2011

Quarterly Inflation Report Q&A
16th November 2011


Quantitative Easing Explained
In March 2009, the Monetary Policy Committee announced that, in addition to setting Bank Rate at 0.5%, it would start to inject money directly into the economy in order to meet the inflation target. The instrument of monetary policy shifted towards the quantity of money provided rather than its price (Bank Rate). But the objective of policy is unchanged - to meet the inflation target of 2 per cent on the CPI measure of consumer prices. Influencing the quantity of money directly is essentially a different means of reaching the same end.

Quantitative Easing - How it Works
Watch the Bank's short animated film

The United Kingdom’s quantitative
easing policy: design, operation and

In response to the intensification of the financial crisis in Autumn 2008, the Bank of England, in
common with other central banks, loosened monetary policy using both conventional and
unconventional policy measures. In the United Kingdom, the principal element of these
unconventional measures was the policy of asset purchases financed by central bank money,
so-called quantitative easing (QE). Over the period March 2009 to January 2010, £200 billion of
assets were purchased, overwhelmingly made up of government securities, representing around
14% of annual GDP. This article reviews the motivation for these central bank asset purchases and
describes how they were implemented. It goes on to review a range of evidence for the impact of
the asset purchases made to date, both on financial markets and more widely on the economy.
While there is considerable uncertainty about the magnitudes, the evidence suggests that QE asset
purchases have had economically significant effects.