IMFは「財政再建ALONE」ではなく「財政再建と成長フレンドリーな改革との一体」支持では? | 中川秀直オフィシャルブログ「志士の目」by Ameba




2011年 11月 12日 12:32 JST
 [東京 12日 ロイター] 安住淳財務相は12日午前、来日中のラガルド国際通貨基金(IMF)専務理事と財務省内で会談し、政局が混迷するイタリア問題などの欧州財政危機や円高などについて協議した。




プレスリリースNo. 11/408
クリスティーヌ・ラガルドIMF 専務理事による日本訪問終了にあたっての声明(参考仮訳)
2011 年11 月12 日 国際通貨基金 (IMF)

“Given the increasing interconnectedness among nations, we agreed on the importance of strengthened international cooperation and decisive policy action to ensure strong, sustainable and balanced growth.

また、我々は、復興支出の遅滞なき実行および公的債務の削減に向けた強力な中期的計画の採択が、今後の日本の優先課題であるとの認識も共有した。日本銀行による金融緩和策の継続も重要である。貿易の自由化を一段と進め、高齢者、若年層、女性の労働参加を高める構造改革も、中期的成長を支えると期待される。また、以上に加え、野田首相による日本の環太平洋戦略的経済連携協定(TPP)交渉への参加決定の発表を歓迎する。TPP は、今後、同国の競争力と成長に大きく貢献することになろう。
“We shared the view that the priorities going forward are the swift implementation of reconstruction spending, and the adoption of a strong medium-term plan to reduce public debt. Maintaining accommodative monetary policy by the Bank of Japan is also important. Structural reforms to further trade liberalization and raise the labor force participation of the elderly, young, and women will also support medium-term growth. In addition, I welcome “Prime Minister Noda's announcement that Japan will participate in negotiations on the Trans-Pacific Strategic Economic Partnership Agreement (TPP), which can make a vital contribution to this country's future competitiveness and growth.


UPDATE1: IMF、先進国の景気後退再突入を警告 早急の中期財政政策策定を提言
2011年 11月 12日 09:06 JST
 [ワシントン 11日 ロイター] 国際通貨基金(IMF)は、成長支援策での合意がない場合、先進国が再びリセッション(景気後退)に陥る恐れがあると警告した。




Global Economic Prospects and Policy Challenges
Prepared by Staff of the International Monetary Fund

26. An upside scenario that brings together all the central policy ingredients demonstrates the collective benefits through higher growth and lower imbalances.

Additional fiscal consolidation alone would be inimical to global growth on impact .

Specifically, a complementary package of policy actions is required. If the necessary fiscal adjustment is combined with supporting policy measures, the picture changes. First, consolidation when combined with budget-neutral tax reform—shifting the composition of revenue instruments away from distortionary taxes—produces adjustment which is more “growth friendly.”

Also in this second layer, better targeted structural reform in product and labor markets to boost potential growth would add to the growth benefits.

Finally, rebalancing policies to reduce domestic distortions and boost internal demand in emerging surplus economies (i.e., China in the simulations) would further lift growth to help offset weaker domestic demand in partners.

Taken together, a cooperative policy action plan has appreciable upside potential for growth.




Global Economic Prospects and Policy Challenges
Prepared by Staff of the International Monetary Fund

The root cause of Japan’s fiscal imbalances lies in its “lost decades” of low growth.


To address imbalances and anchor strong,sustainable and balanced growth, Japan needs to undertake growth-enhancing structural reforms and fiscally consolidate.


6. Large and rising fiscal imbalances in Japan are fundamentally a reflection of persistently low growth.

7. Stagnating output reflects the confluence of a trend decline in total factor productivity, a shrinking labor force, low capital investment and inadequate policy adjustment after the asset price collapse.

Policy missteps have played a part.

20. Raising productivity is key to raising potential growth over the medium-term.

23. Japan needs both fiscal adjustment and structural reform.

24. A comprehensive and simultaneous approach toward fiscal consolidation and structural reforms could generate considerable gains in growth over the medium-term.