不況動学関連の英文の論文リスト | 中川秀直オフィシャルブログ「志士の目」by Ameba







“The Keynesian Multiplier Effect Reconsidered,” Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, forthcoming.
“Does Pro-population Policy Raise Per Capita Consumption?” Japanese Economic Review, forthcoming, (with K. Hashimoto).
“Growth, Stagnation and Status Preference,” Metroeconomica, 62, No.1, February 2011, (with R. Murota).
“International Asymmetry in Business Activity and Appreciation of a Stagnant Country's Currency,” Japanese Economic Review, 57, No.1, March 2006, 101-120.
“The Liquidity Trap and Persistent Unemployment with Dynamic Optimizing Agents: Empirical Evidence,” Japanese Economic Review, 55, No.4, December 2004, 355-371, (with K. Ogawa and A. Yoshida).
“A Reinterpretation of Chapter 17 of Keynes’s General Theory: Effective Demand Shortage Under Dynamic Optimization,” International Economic Review, 42, February 2001, 207-236.

MONEY, INTEREST, AND STAGNATION - Dynamic Theory and Keynes's Economics -, Oxford University Press, 1994.
 (参考)上記の本のBook Review
A.K. Dutt “Review of 'Money, Interest, and Stagnation. Dynamic Theory and Keynes's Economics' by Yoshiyasu Ono”, Journal of Economic Literature, XXXIV (3), September 1996, 1354-5.
Roy Bailey, “Money, Interest, and Stagnation. Dynamic Theory and Keynes's Economics' by Yoshiyasu Ono”. Economic Journal 105, September 1995, pp. 1310-1312.

“Trade Policy,Exchange Rate Adjustment and Unemployment,” in Globalization and Economic Integration: Winners and Losers in the Asia-Pacific, ed. by Noel Gaston, Ahmed M. Khalid, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2010, 153-172.
“Japan’s Long-run Stagnation and Economic Policies,” Chapter 2 in The Return to Keynes, ed. by Bradley Bateman, Toshiaki Hirai, Maria Cristina Marcuzzo, Harvard University Press, 2010, 32-50.
“International Transfer under Stagnation,” in Theory and Practice of Foreign Aid, ed. by Sajal Lahiri, Elsevier: Amsterdam, 2007, 155-171.
“Multiple Steady States with Unemployment and Exchange-Rate Coordination,” in Regionalism and Globalization, ed. by Sajal Lahiri, London: Routledge, 2001, 305-327.