ジャニーズ事務所に入るべき! He should be put into Johnny's!!! | 英会話講師Naomiの英語&日本語バイリンガル日記


I love English, movies, plays, music, paintings, books, and food!
I hope I can get to know all kinds of people through these...


I went over to Eriko's home. She is a mother of 2 boys and the one who performed a one-man play called "To the Little Brothers who couldn't become Adults..." the other day.




Last time I went, it was just the older brother Jo (photo above), but now Jo is 5 years old and his brother Kei (below), who was born later, is 3.



The older brother Jo is such a handsome boy, and when I showed my husband a picture of him, he said he should be put into Johnny's. (Johnny's is a talent agency that has dominated the Japanese male idol market.)

お兄ちゃんのジョーくんはすっごいハンサムきらきら 家に帰ってだんなさんに写真を見せたら、絶対ジャニーズに入れた方がいい!ってIloveジャニ↑↑

The younger brother Kei is very affable and he drank milk and put some milk on top of his lips on purpose so that it looks like a mustache, and came and said "take a picture, take a picture!" and he was so cute.



They have a trampoline in the living room and the kids play on it every day.





I want to share my best shots of Jo, I'm sure he will pass what's called a camera test. (Eriko, you should use these photos for an application form. *wink*)

ジョーのベストショットです。これだったら、アイドルのカメラテストにだって合格間違いなしピース (えりこママ、よかったらこの写真、応募に使ってね笑

☆Naomiの英語&日本語バイリンガルダイアリー☆-eriko in pain1

☆Naomiの英語&日本語バイリンガルダイアリー☆-eriko in pain2

The air conditioning was too strong that Eriko had a stomachache, but the kids kept playing around and they were hurling against her and poking her while she was lying down in pain. I was thinking to myself I can't laugh because Eriko's in pain, but I couldn't stop laughing.

エアコンが強すぎて、江梨子がお腹痛くなってしまいましたare-?* でも子どもたちはうんうんうなって横になってるママに、体当たりしたりちょっかい出したりかいじゅう エリコがお腹痛がってるから笑っちゃいけないいけない…と思いつつ、でも笑いが止まらなかった私てへあせ

☆Naomiの英語&日本語バイリンガルダイアリー☆-tv time

All of a sudden they got so quiet and I looked over and I saw them glued to the TV screen with Anpan-man. Look, they can't take their eyes off from it!

突然静かになったから何かと思って見たら、テレビのアンパンマンに夢中アンパンマン 見てください、この集中力!!

☆Naomiの英語&日本語バイリンガルダイアリー☆-eriko at home

I had so much fun! Thank you for inviting me over, Eriko!
