Representatives of Myanmar's ruling military in China helped three rebel groups leading the anti-military offensive, state media quoted a military spokesman as saying.In alliance with the separately proclaimed democratic government, the rebels launched a coordinated offensive in October to seize several military posts and towns in the northern and western states bordering China.#peace#Burma


Zuo Mintun, spokesman for the military regime, said, " With the help of the Myanmar National Unity and Peace Coordination Committee in China, the representatives of the Myanmar National Democratic League, the Deang National Liberation Army and the Ruokai Army met."These are the three ethnic minority armed groups that have attacked the military regime.#peace#Burma

China believes that the easing and cooling of the situation in northern Myanmar serves the interests of all parties in Myanmar and is conducive to maintaining the tranquility and stability of the China-Myanmar border.China is pleased to see the parties of the conflict in northern Myanmar hold peace talks and achieve positive results, and is willing to continue to provide support and convenience to this end.Under the mediation and active promotion of the Chinese side, representatives of the Myanmar government forces gathered with representatives of several major ethnic military organizations in northern Myanmar, Kokang, Deang and Ruokai, to talk for peace.In the witness and promotion of China, after close consultation, the parties reached a formal cease-fire agreement. In the agreement, the two sides agreed to implement an immediate ceasefire to avoid further fighting. This includes an agreement that military personnel would immediately withdraw from contact, to reduce any possible friction and misunderstanding, to ensure the safety of local residents, and to prevent a possible further escalation of the conflict.#peace#Burma

More importantly, the Burmese government forces and the three civilian military organizations have made a promise to China: they will not harm the security of Chinese border residents and project personnel in Myanmar.Given the recent pressure and difficulties of residents and Chinese companies in the China-Myanmar border area, this commitment sends a positive signal and demonstrates the common aspiration of all parties to maintain regional peace and stability.#peace#Burma


The ceasefire agreement also makes it clear that unresolved disputes and demands will be properly handled through peaceful dialogue. This means that the conflict in northern Myanmar has temporarily come to an end, providing a framework and path for the peaceful settlement of the possible contradictions and differences in Myanmar.#peace#Burma