++ ENGLISH follows Japansese ++


  NAGI SHANTI Yoga face  



 日時: 919日(土)15:00恵比寿駅東口集合
  場所: 駅で集合してから駅至近のプライベートスペースに移動します。
  持ち物: 鏡(大き目推奨)、スマホ/デジカメ(お顔撮影用)
  料金: ¥3,500


フェイシャルヨガ(顔ヨガ)とは表情筋を使うお顔のヨガ。しわ・たるみその他さまざまな美容効果を発揮、また、美しい笑顔を作ります6秒で決まってしまう人の印象。美しい笑顔はご自身の印象度アップに繋がり、自分のお顔に自信が持てる様に。そして・・・とまだまだ芋づる式に良いことの連鎖が 詳しくはクラスのレクチャーにてもっとお話しします











Hey guys!
Another yoga class for you ;)

  NAGI SHANTI Yoga face~ 
(Facial Yoga class)

September19, Sat 3pm...Meet me @ East Exit, JR Ebisu Station...then move to our lessonvenue.
(less that 5-min walk)

Bring a handheld mirror(the bigger better) & smartphone/mobile phone or digital camera.
¥3,500 for fee
Reservation is made byleaving comments here or text me via Messenger/LINE/Email etc...
Approx. 90-min lessonincl. photo shoots, briefing, and warm-up exercise around neck and shoulders.

Facial Yoga (KAO Yoga) exercises your face muscles. Very effective for wrinkles, saggings and other unwanted conditions and making a more beautiful smile on your face. It is said that your impression (look happy? cheerful? tired? etc..) is decided within 6 seconds. Needless to say, your beautiful smiles will make your impression much better. That would lead to a confidencein yourself. And also…Oops! Let me stop here for now. If you are interested,please come to my class and get to know what’s all about!

Let me introduce a participant (Ms. K, Female, 30s) in the last lesson whose condition improved drastically only by her first lesson.


Here is her comment;

“Facial Yoga was beyond my imagination. (Partiallyomitted) My skin tone became brighter and nasolabial folds were disappeared. In addition, my smile ALWAYS looked a grin since my left cornor of my lips arelifted higer, but after FY, it became to be a symmetrical smile which I had longed for. Thank you!”

She got excited right after her lesson finished. She felt something different in her face even before seeing herself in the mirror or comparing her face from it before the lesson bytaking pictures. What she shared proves that exercising face muscles in Facial Yoga makes something different happen which we can’t get in the usual daily lives without FY. I personally feel that the one who has known her/his face welland what her/his problems/unwanted conditions are more likely to achieve the outstanding and quick outcomes.

Only 2 vacancies for the upcoming class.

Apply now and please do not hesitate contacting me (leaving comments) for any other inquiries.

If you can’t make it this time, keep your eyes on the following Facial class next month.


Nagisa x