always worrying comes one after another. i hate it!

i just figured out today that admission conditions for each grad school in the US ARE SO HIGH.

well...i know i am just looking at kinda prestigious ones...

as to one school in DC (which is totally prestigious one tho)

it requires 3.5GPA and experiences workin' in conflicts or developing countries if possible...(who did them!?)

also i was so down b/c only 80 out of 1000 applicants can get in before.

no more hopes here so i am going to move on.

but i can not give up this dream just because the conditions are above my reach.

i still have chances (maybe) i can look at other schools in east coast

b/c there should be tons of schools.

i am lucky right now tho b/c now i can set my goal for my last semester.

i have to take micro&macro economics at least 4 credits and better than B grade for each.

i'll take it...

i always think about the priorities in my life these days.

and now it seems to work at the firm i decided to go least two years.

i think i always keep running my life but i don't dislike it. just get through it.