
今日はBRPカードを受け取りにオックスフォードのセンター街にある郵便局まで行った。ホームステイ先からセンター街まではバスで行けるんだけど、昨日使ったのとはまた別のバスだったのね、昨日のは高速バス、今日はローカルバスみたいな感じ。例によって乗り方が分からない。笑だけどホストマザーのJennyがバス停まで一緒に歩いて行ってくれて、バスの使い方も教えてくれた!あとバスの運転手さんもバスの使い方教えてくれた!本当にみんな優しい( ;  ; )♡


あ、郵便局ね、バス停で降りてすぐのところにあったよ。人も全然いなくて、案内してくれたスタッフさんも、対応してくれたスタッフさんも2人とも優しくて、安心した。心が温かくなった。私が全然聞き取れなくて適当に返事した後、“When should I come here again?”って聞いたのね、そしたら「今それ言ったよσ(^_^;)」って言われて、ちょっと申し訳なかった。でもまた説明してくれて、今度はちゃんと理解できたし、午前中に来た方がいいよーってことも教えてくれて、本当に親切だった。最後には微笑んでくれたし。みんなに救われてる。私。






9th May

Today, I visited Oxford City Centre to get my BRP card. I can use a bus to go there from my house, but I was not sure how to get to the bus because the bus was different from the one I took yesterday. I used an express bus yesterday, but today I took a kind of local bus. So my host mother, Jenny took me to the bus stop, and taught me how to ride it. And the conductor taught me with gestures as well. I think everyone here is really kind. I really like it! ♡

At the City Centre, it was very urban and there were many people, so I was surprised. But the city itself was small enough to see around. I am happy~ and excited. 

Ah, I will mention about a post office. It was located nearby the bus stop, I could easily visited there. And it was not busy at that time, the staffs were also very nice and warm. I was relieved again. However, I couldn’t hear what the staff was talking about, and I replied even though I was not sure. And I asked to her “When should I come here again?”, then she answered “I said just now”. At that time, I was sorry to her, but she explained again, and I fully understood this time, and she add that it will be better for me to visit there in the morning. I think she was really nice. In the end, she smiled at me. Everyone helps me. Everyone. And I really think that this town, Oxford, is brilliant. 

Also I visited the Christ Church there. Even though I didn’t buy a ticket, still I enjoyed it. I enjoyed the atmosphere of like Harry Potter, and I went back home. ;D

The happiest thing today was that Jenny complemented me about my English pronunciation!! She said to me “Your English is really good as Japanese, your accent does not hear like Japanese, so who teach you English?”. When I heard that, I was really glad! And I become confident and motivated. I am sorry to boast about myself, but I was so glad that I wrote it here. 

Tomorrow, I will visit the City Centre again with my friend. 

Bye bye tomorrow~