自作の暦の全て - All of the Calendars Made by Me | Meauky Blog

Meauky Blog

I am Meauk and this blog is mine.

■太陽暦 - solar calendar
 ●周期 = 500年;
  Cycle = 500 Years
 ●日数 = 18万2621日;
  Number of Days  = 182,621 Days
 ●平年 = 365日×379回;
  Common Year = 365 Days × 379 Times
 ●閏年 = 366日×121回
  Leap Year = 366 Days × 121 Times
 ●1暦年(平均した1年の長さ) = 365.242日;
  1 Calendar Year
   (the length of one averaged year)
    = 365.242 Days
 ●置閏法 =
  How to Put Leap Years =
   Every years divisible by 4 are leap years.
   But every years divisible by 100 are
    common years.
   But every years divisible by 500 are
    leap years.

■太陰暦 - lunar calendar
 ●周期 = 109年;
  Cycle = 109 Years
 ●日数 = 3万8626日;
  Number of Days  = 38,626 Days
 ●平年 = 354日×69回;
  Common Year = 354 Days × 69 Times
 ●閏年 = 355日×40回
  Leap Year = 355 Days × 40 Times
 ●朔望月(平均した1ヶ月の長さ) =
  1 Lunar Month
   (the length of one averaged month)
    = 29.530581 Days
 ●置閏法 =
   1周期は、1つあたり2, 3年の、
  How to Put Leap Years =
   One cycle is devided into 40 groups:
    one group has a few years.
   The odd-prime-number
   groups (11times) have
    one common year (1st)
    and one leap year (last).
   The other groups (29times) have
    two common years (1st and 2nd)
    and one leap year (last).
(2018年7月3日 21時38分 削除)
(3 July, 2018; 21:38, DELETE)

■太陽暦 - solar calendar
 ●周期 = 95年;
  Cycle = 95 Years
 ●日数 = 3万4698日;
  Number of Days  = 34,698 Days
 ●平年 = 365日×72回;
  Common Year = 365 Days × 72 Times
 ●閏年 = 366日×23回
  Leap Year = 366 Days × 23 Times
 ●1暦年(平均した1年の長さ) =365.24211日;
  1 Calendar Year
   (the length of one averaged year)
    = 365.24211 Days
 ●置閏法 =
  How to Put Leap Years =
   every years
    whose surplus divided by 95 is
    devisible by 4