

魚介タップリ、ホウボウ魚(le rouget grondin)のアクアパッツァと付け合わせには、バターローストしたジャガイモを添えた今夜の夕食。魚嫌いの長男は、色んな意味で絶叫し、オーガニックの手作り納豆を喜んで食べる。そして、納豆の匂いにフランス人パパも横で絶叫。いつになったら魚を好きになるのかしら?本当、人生の半分は損してると思うな。


Home dinner

It's ugly, but beautiful red gurnard attracted me at the market.

Tonight's dinner with butter-roasted potatoes to accompany the acqua-pazza by red gurnard fish (le rouget grondin). The eldest son, who hates fish, screams and is happy to eat organic homemade natto. And his father screamed for smell of natto next me. When will he like fish? I always think that he is losing half of pleasure on food...