On my way to Budapest from England.

This is how the moon looked like.

I felt amazed of the color. It was neraly yellow!

And I felt as if I was in the same level of where the moon places.

I don't know why , maybe because I was coming so far away from Japan or I was

too tired that brought me tears in my eyes..I got sentimental and at the same

time overwhelmed of the sitiation sitting in a plane just looking out the window and

been so close to the moon I ever had felt like..

2nights in Budapest. The capital of Hungary..

Where the Chain Bridge starts the hotel locates. One of the most Authentic hotel in the world was certainly the most lovliest part of my memories of Budapest.

Made me reminds of the moon I saw in the plane..

You can barely see my shade
standing in the center.↓

Comfort stay.

Food perfectly selected..(can you see the food by the way??)

Absolutely lovely disishes with フォアグラ。
