

<writing practice>

I began to do exercise after I came back from Japan in April. This is not for losing weight but for treating irregular menstruation. My period cycle tends to be disrupted by a lack of exercise due to genetic makeup. When I was a high school student, my period suddenly stopped, and I went to see a doctor. Even though I had hormone injections many times, it didn't get better at all. It was when I started tap dancing after half a year that my period finally came back. Also before I went to Japan, my period interval was getting longer every month, making me find that I had to begin exercising. Before beginning exercising, I was too lazy to do it, but once I started, it had some good effects on me. First, my period cycle returned to normal after one month of 25 minutes of exercising every day. Second, my brain began to work so well that I can remember something or speak English better. Third, I feel refreshed and relaxed after sweating. It's like after soaking in hot springs. Now I truly understand why doctors recommend doing exercise.