渡米して1年2ヶ月、今まで一度もニューヨークでバレエ公演を鑑賞したことがありませんでした。ニューヨークには大きなバレエ団が2つありますが、今回はそのうちの一つのAmerican Ballet Theater の白鳥の湖を見に行ってきました。今季は別の公演も観に行く予定だったので、今回は一番リーズナブルな4階のバルコニーボックス席(30ドル)を取りました。右側のボックス席だったので、右側が見えにくかったですが、この価格で生演奏付きのバレエ公演が見れるのはコスパが良いと思います。






<writing practice>

Since coming to the United States, I've never seen any ballet shows in New York. There are two major ballet companies in New York, and I went to see Swan Lake of ABT, which was one of them. Since I was also going to see another show, I took the balcony box seat for 30 dollars, which was the most reasonable seat. As the box seat was on the right side, the view of the right side of the stage was partly obstructed, but I thought It was a good deal because I could see the ballet show with a live orchestra.


By the way, what surprised me the most was that even though the corps de ballet had a variety of colors much like Americans, it looked very natural. Generally, If those who have dark color skin join the corps de ballet, the dark color stands out awkwardly. However, this time, half of the corps de ballet was white and the other half was a natural gradation color. It wasn't bothered in the least, furthermore, It was rather very natural.


The principal on that day had the second least experience as a principal at ABT, and I didn't have any expectations at all. However, her performance, especially, her sense of balance was awesome. Even after a continuous 32-times turn as a black swan, she kept such a strong balance that the audience got excited and applauded. Although I've never cried at a ballet show, I was almost crying to see her stunning performance.