

I have a tendency to get itchy skin easily, so I've always thought I have some allergies. I have a tendency to get itchy skin especially when I touch an old carpet in which many ticks are likely to live, when I eat more than 2 eggs a day, or when I eat whole wheat bread or snacks. To check the cause of allergies, I had my blood checked. My blood was checked for around 30 items such as pollen, plants, molds, mites, and even typical foods. However, There was no problem. I'd like to know where this itchiness comes from.


by chat GPT

I have a tendency to have itchy skin easily, so I've been suspecting that I might have allergies for a while. I noticed that my skin tends to get particularly itchy when I touch an old carpet that might have dust mites, consume more than two eggs, or eat bread or snacks with whole wheat flour. To determine the cause of allergies, I recently had a blood test at the hospital. They examined about 30 items including pollen, plants, molds, dust mites, and common foods, but none of them were a problem at all. So, now I'm wondering where this itching is coming from.