

I earnestly started practicing speaking English eight months ago, but the fourth to sixth month was the hardest term for me. This is because I had taken English classes every day, but my speed of making sentences didn't improve. I really thought I didn't have an aptitude for language studying. Until the fourth month, I took two online lessons a day, and I didn't take them when I had an in-person class. However, My ability didn't improve at all, so I increased my online lessons to four a day, and I also took two online lessons even when I took an in-person class. In the fifth to sixth months, I went through a series of joys and sorrows. I could speak well if I was in good condition, but otherwise not.


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I started serious speaking practice eight months ago, but I think the fourth to fifth months were the toughest. The reason was, that despite doing online English lessons every day until then, my speed in forming sentences didn't improve. At that time, I seriously thought maybe I didn't have a talent for language learning. Until about the fourth month, I was having two online lessons a day, and when I had a face-to-face lesson, I didn't do online lessons. Since there was little progress, I increased it to four lessons a day, and even when I had a face-to-face lesson, I made sure to take two online lessons. Then, during the fifth to sixth month, There were days when I could speak well, but the next day, I couldn't speak well for some reason. It was a cycle of ups and downs.