私は韓国料理が好きで、日本で一人で外出するときはよく韓国料理屋に行っていました。ところが最近はニューヨークに来てレストランの味は期待できないし、家で韓国料理を作りたいけど夫が嫌いなのでなかなか家で作ることもできず、若干ストレスを感じていました。そこで見つけたのは「Her name is Han」駐妻のインスタによく登場していたので、とても気になっていました。実際お店に伺ったら、オープン前には若干列ができていて、オープン後は30分ほどで席が埋まるほどの人気店でした。私はビビンバを注文したのですが、ヘルシーな野菜や豆腐の小鉢がたくさん着いてきて、ボリュームも多く、大満足でした。


I like Korean cuisine, and I used to go to Korean restaurants when I went out by myself back in Japan. However, I felt a little stressed because I couldn't expect the taste of meals at restaurants in New York, Also I couldn't make Korean cuisine because my husband didn't like it. Afterward, I found " Her name is Han" which often came up on the post on Instagram, which Japanese wives posted. When I went to the restaurant, it was such a popular restaurant that there was a short line before opening, and all the seats were occupied 30 min after opening. I ordered beef bibimbap. I was really satisfied with the meal, which a lot of small plate meals came with and one serving was nice volume.


by chat GPT

 So what I found was "Her name is Han", which appeared on Instagram of expat wives and caught my interest. When I actually visited the restaurant, there was a slight line before opening, and after opening, the seats were filled in about 30 minutes,  showing how popular it was.