

When I went to a restaurant in Lisbon where I traveled and ate lunch sitting at the outside table, a pigeon which was on the ground flew to the table and tried to rob a potato chip of the fish and ships which we were eating. We were at a loss and, we couldn't do anything because it was the first time to encounter a pigeon who was very aggressive and wasn't afraid of humans. However, a member of  the whole staff drove away the pigeon. Pigeons were still aiming for our meals after that, but he guarded our table from the pigeons by standing in front of our table. Most of all the people I met in Lisbon were very calm and kind.


by chat GPT

During a visit to a restaurant in Lisbon, we were seated on the terrace enjoying our meals. Suddenly a pigeon on the ground swiftly flew up onto our table attempting to snatch a chip from our Fish & Chips dish. It was the first time to encountering such an assertive pigeon, unafraid of humans. We were taken aback and unable to react, but the waiter quickly chased it away. Despite that, the pigeon continued to target our table. The waiter stood guard in front of our table to prevent the pigeon from approaching. Lisbon truly had gentle and kind-heated people.