

cabbages, napa cabbages, Japanese leeks, komatsunas, and spinaches are difficult to access in New York. You can't get them at local supermarkets. Generally, You can get them for expensive prices at Japanese supermarkets or in Asian grocery online shops. Some of them can be replaced like Japanese leeks to scallions and spinaches to baby spinaches, but shapes and tastes are slightly different. When It's getting cold and I want to eat Nabe, It's inconvenient not to get napa cabbages and Japanese leeks soon.


by chat GPT

In New York, It's challenging to find Japanese ingredients like cabbages, napa cabbages, green onions, komatsuna, and regular spinach. They are not available at local supermarkets. Generally, you have to either purchase at Japanese supermarkets, where they can be pricey, or resort to online Asian food retailers. While some alternatives exist, like using scallions for green onions, and baby spinach for regular spinach. there are subtle differences in tastes and appearance. It becomes particularly inconvenient during colder seasons when you want to make a hot pot, and Japanese Ingredients like Chinese cabbage and green onions are not readily available.