クリスマスが来ることより、2023年がもう少しで終わることに驚きを隠せない私ですが、先日Radio City Music HallのChristmas Spectacular を見に行ってきました。Radio City Music Hallはとても歴史があるホールで、このショーはなんと1933年から続いているものだそうです。有名なのは、Rocketts というダンスチームの隊列ダンス。体型も身長もほぼ同じ女性が40人ほどで息ぴったりに踊ります。ダンスを少しやっていたので動きを合わせることの大変さが分かるのですが、ここまで仕上げるのに要した時間と努力を考えると、相当しんどいと思うのですが、本当によくやっているなぁと感心します。


I'm so surprised that the end of the year is approaching rather than Christmas.  I went to Radio City Music Hall to see Christmas Spectacular the other day. Radio City Music Hall is a historical building and this show has been continuing since 1933. It is famous for the formation dance of the dance team "Rockets". About 40 women, whose height and body shape are almost the same, dance perfectly in sync. Since I've experienced dancing a little, I can understand how hard it is to adjust the movements. I was so admired thinking of the time that they spent and the effort that they made to make such a beautiful performance.


by chatGBT

I can't help but be surprised that 2023 is coming to an end, even more so than the arrival of Christmas. I went to see the Christmas Spectacular at Radio City Music Hall. This hall itself has a rich history and this show has been running since as far back as 1933. One of the highlights is the precision performance by the Rocketts, a dance team consisting of about 40 women with nearly identical heights and body types. Having dabbled in dance myself, I can understand the difficulty of coordinating movements. Considering the time and effort required to achieve such a polished performance, it must have been quite challenging. Nevertheless, I truly admire the impressive job they've done.