アメリカの薬品系ボトル容器はキャップがとても開けにくい仕様になっています。大概push&turn方式で、下に押しながらキャップを回さないといけません。そして開けるのに意外と力が要るんです。飲料や調味料用のペットボトルは例外ですが、洗剤やシロップ薬、化粧品の液体ボトルなどがそうなっています。私は本当にこの方式のキャップが苦手で、いつも開ける時は四苦八苦します。先日薬局で処方してもらった薬が入ったボトルをpush&turnで開けようとしたら、ありったけの力で回しても開かず、力尽きて諦めかけた時、よく見たら蓋に「Hold tab down & turn」と書いてあって、それは蓋の下にあるツマミを押し下げながらキャップを回す新種の方式でした。頼むから統一してくれ〜!


Bottle containers of medicine and detergent here are incredibly difficult to open. They are mostly push-and-turn form and you have to push the lid and turn it. It surprisingly needs power. Beverages and condiments are exceptional, but it apply to detergents and syrup types of medicine, liquid cosmetics. I'm not good at opening this kind of lid, and I always struggle to do that. The other day, I tried to open the medicine bottle, which I had got at a pharmacy, by push & turn method, but I couldn't open it even though I turned it with all the strength I had. When I almost gave up, I noticed that it was written on the lid "Hold tab down & turn", which was the new type of lid that opened by holding the tub and turning. I wish they were unified.


by chat GBT

Bottle containers for pharmaceuticals is designed with a cap that is notoriously difficult to open. Most of them use a push-and-turn mechanism, requiring you to push down while turning the cap. It surprisingly takes quite a bit of force to open. While beverage and condiment bottles are exceptions, containers for items like detergents, syrup medications, and liquid cosmetics often employ this challenging design. I personally struggle with these caps using this mechanism, and every time I try to open them, it becomes a bit of a struggle. Recently, when I attempted to open the bottle containing the prescribed medication from the pharmacy using a push-and-turn method, I exerted all my strength to turn the cap, but it wouldn't budge. Feeling defeated and on the verge of giving up, I noticed the label on the cap read, "Hold tab down & turn". It turned out to be a new type of mechanism where you push down the tub underneath while turning the cap. I really wish they would standardize these things.