

After Thanksgiving, I often see lines of natural Christmas trees in front of grocery stores everywhere in the city. They smell nice natural wood when I walk close to them. I guess that more Japanese people prefer artificial trees rather than natural trees, but I wonder if American people prefer natural trees on the contrary. I've never met a shop that has artificial trees. Regarding natural trees, The Rockefeller Center Tree which held a lighting ceremony the day before yesterday is a natural tree called ” German spruce". I think I can understand why they like natural ones if I smell the scent of the unique natural tree.


by chat GBT

After Thanksgiving, I've started to notice the scenes of natural Christmas trees lining up in front of the shops all over the city. When you get close and smell them, the natural woods emit an incredibly pleasant fragrance. While in Japan, many people prefer artificial trees, I wonder if Americans lean more toward natural ones. I haven't encountered a shop here that sells artificial trees yet. The Rockefeller Center tree, which was lit up recently, was natural, specifically a German spruce. However, when you smell the distinctive scent, you can understand why Americans insist on natural trees.