アメリカに来て初の冬を迎えました。こちらは乾燥がひどくて、日本から持ってきた加湿器機能付きの空気清浄機を稼働させていますが、一台ではキャパオーバーなのか、なかなか湿度60%を維持することができません。最近特に洗顔後の肌のカサつきがひどかったので、思い切って洗顔料を変えてみました。今使っているのはCeraVeのHydrating Facial Cleaner です。これを使い始めてから、保湿剤を使う必要がないくらい肌の潤いが戻りました。CeraVeを使ったのは初めてでしたが、アメリカではかなり有名なブランドで、他にもボディケア用品を色々出しているようなので、今度また試してみたいと思います。



The first winter in the U.S. has already come. The winter dryness is auful here. Although I'm using a humidifier that I bought in Japan, it can't keep 60% humidity because of the over capacity. Recently I changed my face wash because I was concerned that my skin became dry and flaky. Now, I'm using a Hydrating Facial Cleaner from CeraVe. Since I started to use it, my skin became such moistured as I don't have to use moisturizer like before. Although it was the first time for me to use the CeraVe brand, which is a famous brand in the U.S., it supplies various kinds of skin care products, so I'll try some.


by chat GBT

I've exprienced the first winter in the U.S.. The air here is incredibly dry, and even with humidifier-equipped air purer I brought from Japan, It seems to struggle to maintain a humidity level of 60%. Recently, I've been dealing with particulary dry skin after washing my face,so I decided to change my facal cleanser. I started tusing CeraVe's Hydrating Facial Cleanser. Since I began using it, the moisture in my skin has returned to the point where I don't even need to use the moisturizer.  It's my first time to use CeraVe brand, but it's a well-known bland in the U.S., they offer variety of skin care products, so I'm looking forward to trying more of their products in the future.