

Today is the day of the sale called "Cyber Monday". It is the online sales named after people go back to their homes or workplaces to do shopping online after the Thanksgiving Holiday. It seems that it's a traditional sequence of events is that, Thanksgiving on Thursday, Black Friday on Friday, and Cyber Monday on Monday. Because today is the last day of the big sale, They sell items at the highest discount rate. I'm worried if I can finish today without wasting money.


Today is Cyber Monday in the U.S., a day known for online shopping sales. Cyber Monday is specifically focused on the discounts in online shopping realm. It earned its name because it was designed to capitalize on trend of people returning their homes and workplace after the holiday weekend and engaging in online shopping, thereby boosting sales on Monday. The sequence typically follows Thanksgiving on Thursday, Black Friday on Friday, and Cyber Monday on Monday. Since today is the final day of the major sales with the highest discount rates. I'm concerned about avoiding unnecessary spending and making it through the day wisely.