色とりどりの秋の素晴らしさ:その美しさと複雑さが明らかに | 加藤 豪(Go Kato)

加藤 豪(Go Kato)


The Magnificence of a Colorful Autumn: Beauty and Complexity Unveiled 



by Jonathan K. Corrado, Ph.D., P. E. | Sep. 5, 2024


Scientists have long endeavored to comprehend the transformations that take place in trees and plants throughout the autumn season. While lacking complete knowledge, they possess sufficient understanding to explain the fundamental aspects of these spectacular displays. Interestingly, the colorful leaves are not only aesthetically pleasing, they also serve a crucial role in the trees’ survival.



Trees with seasonal foliage are known as deciduous.1 They typically possess large, broad leaves2 that remain green for most of the year due to the presence of chlorophyll, which enables them to capture energy from sunlight. Through photosynthesis, the leaves transform solar energy into sugars that nourish the trees.3 As the seasons change, temperatures decrease and the duration of daylight (or photoperiod) diminishes. The trees detect these reduced levels of direct sunlight and cooler temperatures, triggering innate systems that lead to the degradation of chlorophyll within their leaves. The absence of chlorophyll exposes the yellow and orange pigments that already existed in the leaves but had been concealed during the spring and summer months. The darker, red leaves, however, are attributed to a chemical transformation. Sugars confined in the leaves form beautiful pigments known as anthocyanins that were not present during the growth season.4,5

 季節ごとに葉を茂らせる樹木は、落葉樹と呼ばれます。一般的に落葉樹は大きく幅広い葉2 を持ち、クロロフィルが存在するため、一年の大半は緑色を保ち、太陽光のエネルギーを取り込むことができます。光合成により、葉は太陽エネルギーを糖に変換し、木に栄養を与えます。季節の変わり目には気温が下がり、日照時間(光周期)が短くなります。樹木は直射日光の減少と気温の低下を感知し、葉のクロロフィルの分解につながる生得的なシステムを作動させます。クロロフィルがなくなると、春から夏にかけては隠れていた黄色やオレンジの色素が露出します。しかし、赤黒い葉は化学変化によるものです。葉に閉じ込められた糖が、成長期には存在しなかったアントシアニンとして知られる美しい色素を形成するのです。


The rate and extent of leaf transformation vary depending on the geographical area. Optimal coloration occurs under conditions of low humidity, abundant sunshine, and moderate temperatures. Regions characterized by overcast skies, high humidity, or elevated temperatures do not experience the same level of color transformation.4



Inevitably, the leaves detach and fall because of specialized connections with the stems called abscission zones. Prior to abscission, the trees absorb as many nutrients as they can from the leaves through specified and intricate cell molecule recycling systems. Thus, the leaves are designed to not survive the winter as part of the trees’ optimized seasonal growth system.2



There is still a great deal of knowledge that scientists are working to uncover regarding botanical changes during the fall season. However, considering the complex nature of trees and plants and the intricate processes that take place in autumn, it’s reasonable to conclude that this seasonal cycle is a product of remarkable design.



The exquisite tailoring of life for existence on Earth is further revealed with each new discovery. By observing nature, such as the beautiful color landscape of autumn, we are reminded of the Creator—the Designer and Engineer who established the order of the cosmos and the brilliant Artist who thoughtfully crafted the smallest details. The wonders of His creation are so extraordinary that they are nearly impossible to fully grasp, yet they foster a deeper awe of His infinite creativity.



The magnificence and beauty of nature—such as the exquisite, colorful backdrop in autumn—serve as poignant reminders of His divine presence.



