光合成進化の鍵は発見されたのか? | 加藤 豪(Go Kato)

加藤 豪(Go Kato)


Was a Key to Photosynthesis Evolution Discovered? 光合成進化の鍵は発見されたのか?

by Frank Sherwin, D.Sc. (Hon.) | May. 2, 2024


Northern Canadian lakes were the source of recently discovered unique photosynthetic bacteria of the phylum Chloroflexota. After years of culturing, cultivating, and incubating water samples from Boreal Shield lake, University of Waterloo (Ontario, Canada) scientists have described their discovery of the surprising bacteria species in the pages of the science journal Nature.1



The discoverer of the bacterium, Jackson Tsuji of the University of Waterloo, stated, “I remember a professor emeritus in the lab, Keizo Shimada, congratulating me on discovering what we now believe is a new branch of photosynthetic life and a key piece of the puzzle for resolving how photosynthesis developed on Earth.”2



A new branch of photosynthetic life may well have been discovered. It is unique because of the reaction center protein. “Certain core photosynthesis genes we had expected to see weren’t there, but in their absence, there was a completely novel clade of photosynthetic reaction center protein,” Tsuji says.2



Photosynthetic reaction centers and their associated proteins are incredibly complex. They perform primary energy conversion reactions using light to catalyze a transmembrane electron transfer. The whole mechanism, i.e., all parts, of photosynthetic reaction centers must be complete and in place so the electron acceptor traps a light-excited electron from the reaction center chlorophyll. Only a complete and fully functional reaction center can pass this electron on to the electron transport chain where ATP (cellular energy) is produced. This doesn’t sound like what one would expect from chance, time, and natural processes; instead, it clearly points to purpose, plan, and special creation.



Phototrophy is the ability of an organism to carry out photon capture to manufacture complex carbon-based compounds (e.g., carbohydrates) and obtain cellular energy. Tsuji et al. stated, “The Chloroflexota phylum preserves an evolutionary record of the use of contrasting phototrophic modes among genetically related bacteria, giving new context for exploring the diversification of phototrophy on Earth.”1 This is hardly an evolutionary record. It is simply a record of genetically related bacteria with a unique reaction center protein. The discovery says nothing about the gradual development of photosynthesis from biochemistry that is not photosynthetic. Such genetic variation is within the creation purview.



Is there “diversification of phototrophy on Earth”? Yes. God created photosynthetic organisms with the genetic ability (diversification or variation) to move in and fill various niches. But the phylum Chloroflexota has not preserved a macroevolutionary record because it’s not there. Dr. Tsuji stated, “This breakthrough challenged current scientific knowledge of how photosynthesis came to be and explained some of the ‘whys’ we couldn't explain before. Yet, it also created more questions than answers—and I was excited to investigate more”2



The Nature scientists said, “Scientific exploration of phototrophic bacteria over nearly 200 years has revealed large phylogenetic [relating to evolutionary diversification and development of a species] gaps between known phototrophic groups that limit understanding of how phototrophy evolved and diversified.”1 So, is this photosynthetic apparatus ancient or just different? In other words, since it has a different reaction center than “typical” photosynthetic reaction centers, is it because the bacteria are primordial, having evolved over “millions of years”? No. The oldest photosynthetic bacteria are 100% photosynthetic.

 ネイチャー誌の科学者たちは、「200年近くにわたる光合成細菌の科学的探究の結果、既知の光合成グループ間に系統学的(種の進化的多様化と発展に関する)大きな隔たりがあることが明らかになり、光合成がどのように進化し多様化したかの理解が制限されました」と述べています。では、この光合成機構は古いものなのでしょうか、それとも単に異なっているだけなのでしょうか?言い換えれば、"典型的な "光合成反応中心とは異なる反応中心を持つことから、バクテリアは "何百万年 "もかけて進化した原始的なものなのでしょうか?いいえ、最古の光合成細菌は 100% 光合成します。


A recent article in Science News reported, “The finding pushes back the evidence of thylakoids [sophisticated flattened structures inside a chloroplast upon which the incredibly complex light reactions occur] in cyanobacteria by 1.2 billion years.”3 The article went on to say, “Cyanobacteria, like these ocean-dwelling Prochlorococcus, invented photosynthesis billions of years ago.”3 Invented? That’s not a very scientific explanation. What’s the difference between invented and created?



Tsuji et al. stated, “Despite using different reaction centres, our phylogenomic data [comparing entire genomes] provide strong evidence that RCI-utilizing and RCII-utilizing Chloroflexia members inherited phototrophy from a most recent common phototrophic ancestor.”1 But the most recent common phototrophic ancestor is unknown, and since this is so, how do the evolutionists know Chloroflexia members inherited phototrophy from it? One could just as easily say Chloroflexia was created with these unique reaction centers, giving them the ability to live, for example, in the challenging northern Canadian lakes.



The University of Waterloo article concludes by stating that this bacterium is like a living fossil.4,5 In other words, there has been no change through the ethereal “millions of years.” This is exactly what creationists would expect. The irreducibly complex photosynthetic machinery has been in place since the creation.

 ウォータールー大学の論文は、この細菌は生きた化石のようなものだと結論づけています。つまり、"何百万年 "という悠久の時を経ても変化がなかったということです。これこそ創造論者が期待していることです。不可逆的に複雑な光合成の仕組みは、天地創造のときから備わっているのです。


“Our initial findings for the metabolism of this bacterium and its photosynthetic machinery make it natural to speculate that the bacterium is like a ‘living fossil’—an organism that has held onto traits like those of ancient life,” Tsuji says. “In the years ahead, we want to learn more about the surprising characteristics of this bacterium to gain new insights into how photosynthesis came to work the way it does today and how this process transformed the Earth throughout its history.”2

 辻氏は、「この細菌の代謝と光合成機構に関する最初の発見は、この細菌が "生きた化石 "のようなもの、つまり太古の生命と同じような形質を保持している生物であると推測させるものです。今後数年間で、このバクテリアの驚くべき特徴をさらに解明し、光合成がどのようにして今日のように機能するようになったのか、また、このプロセスが地球の歴史を通じてどのように変容してきたのかについて、新たな洞察を得たいと考えています」と述べています。


There’s no question that this newly discovered bacterium has surprising characteristics that helped it to move in and fill challenging environments. But although photosynthesis in Chloroflexota uses a Type I reaction center,1 it doesn’t mean it’s an evolutionary relative. The most recent common phototrophic ancestor will always be unknown, even though it is what the supposed evolution of photosynthesis is mainly based upon. Creationists, on the other hand, see the amazing photosynthetic process as having been that way since the creation thousands of years ago, as recorded in Genesis.6,7



