創造主の証拠はあるのか? | 加藤 豪(Go Kato)

加藤 豪(Go Kato)


Is There Evidence for a Creator?


by Jonathan K. Corrado, Ph.D., P. E. | Feb. 26, 2024

Contrary to what some scientists claim, there is compelling philosophical and scientific evidence that a Creator of the universe exists. For example, the conditions described by the two laws of thermodynamics demand special creation.1 As the late Dr. Henry Morris noted, “The Second Law says the universe must have had a beginning—otherwise it would already be completely disordered. The First Law (conservation of mass-energy) says it could not have begun itself.”2 The sovereign and eternal God of the Bible is the only Cause sufficient to generate the universe as we understand it.3

 一部の科学者が主張するのとは反対に、宇宙の創造主が存在するという説得力のある哲学的・科学的証拠があります。例えば、熱力学の2つの法則によって説明される条件は、特別な創造を要求しています。故ヘンリー・モリス博士は次のように述べています:「第二法則は、宇宙には始まりがあったに違いないと言っている-さもなければ、すでに完全に無秩序になっているはずだ。第一法則(質量エネルギー保存法)によれば、それ自体で始まることはありえない」。 聖書の主権者であり永遠の神は、私たちが理解する宇宙を生み出すのに十分な唯一の原因です。

Secondly, the fine-tuning argument claims the natural laws governing the material world encompass fundamental constants. These numbers are precisely calibrated for the existence of intelligent life, and if any of them deviated by even a small amount, stars, planets, chemistry, and living things could not exist. The One who designed the universe cannot Himself be subject to these numbers since He established them in the first place.4,5


A third argument is predicated on the fact that mathematics describes the material world exceptionally well. There is no reason why mathematics and physics should work so harmoniously together—but they do! The remarkable applicability of mathematics suggests the existence of a transcendent mind who created the universe with an intricate blueprint.6 In the words of the Nobel Prize–winning theoretical physicist Paul A. M. Dirac (1902–1984), “God is a mathematician of a very high order, and He used advanced mathematics in constructing the universe.”7 


In addition, Albert Einstein (1879–1955), author of the special and general theories of relativity, once said, “How can it be that mathematics, being after all a product of human thought which is independent of experience, is so admirably appropriate to the objects of reality?”8


These are merely three arguments for divine creation. However, they should not even be necessary. All nature proclaims not only the existence of God, but also His incredible power and magnificence. As Psalm 111:2–3 says, “The works of the LORD are great, studied by all who have pleasure in them. His work is honorable and glorious, and His righteousness endures forever.”



2 主のみわざは偉大で、みわざを喜ぶすべての人々に尋ね求められる。

3 そのみわざは尊厳と威光。その義は永遠に堅く立つ。」

Moreover, all people innately recognize there is a God—though they may be loath to admit it. According to Romans 1:19, “What may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has shown it to them.” Despite their intellectual pretensions, the real reason people deny our Creator is not due to a lack of evidence but because of their unwillingness to forsake sin: “Men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil” (John 3:19).



19 それゆえ、神について知らされることは、彼らに明らかです。それは神が明らかにされたのです。」




 The question then becomes, Why did God create? Within the eternal relationship between the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, there is absolute perfection. This implies that creation cannot be for God’s advantage—He did not need to create.9 Thus, it must be for the benefit of those who were created. It aims to give finite individuals the opportunity to know their Creator. Not only is salvation a gift of God’s grace, but creation is as well!10 Revelation 4:11 says, “You are worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power; for You created all things, and by Your will they exist and were created.” Colossians 1:16 reiterates this point: “For by Him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers. All things were created through Him and for Him.”


ヨハネの黙示録 411

11 主よ。われらの神よ。あなたは、栄光と誉れと力とを受けるにふさわしい方です。あなたは万物を創造し、あなたのみこころゆえに、万物は存在し、また創造されたのですから。」


16 なぜなら、万物は御子にあって造られたからです。天にあるもの、地にあるもの、見えるもの、また見えないもの、王座も主権も支配も権威も、すべて御子によって造られたのです。万物は、御子によって造られ、御子のために造られたのです。」

God is a creative Being, and creating gives Him pleasure. Because He is personal, God also derives satisfaction from establishing relationships with us, His most valuable creation. In light of His absolute holiness and sovereignty, we are astounded that God would crown man “with glory and honor” (Psalm 8:5) and refer to His redeemed people as “friends” (John 15:14–15).



5 あなたは、人を、神よりいくらか劣るものとし、これに栄光と誉れの冠をかぶらせました。」


14 わたしがあなたがたに命じることをあなたがたが行うなら、あなたがたはわたしの友です。

15 わたしはもはや、あなたがたをしもべとは呼びません。しもべは主人のすることを知らないからです。わたしはあなたがたを友と呼びました。なぜなら父から聞いたことをみな、あなたがたに知らせたからです。」


