毒を持つ外来植物は神の創造のどこに位置するのか? | 加藤 豪(Go Kato)

加藤 豪(Go Kato)


Where do Poisonous Invasive Plants Fit in God's Creation?



by Frank Sherwin, D.Sc. (Hon.) | Jan. 18, 2024


Like all sciences, creation science has unanswered questions. This is why we are called the Institute for Creation Research—not the Institute for Creation Answers. Specifically, there are still some questions regarding the origin of predation, pathogens, poisonous plants, and parasites.



In regard to predation, a creation biologist stated,



Although the origin of predation is poorly understood, it is incorrect to attribute to young-earth creation the assertion that predatory animals quickly and recently evolved the physical features necessary for predation. It is a common fallacy that carnivores evolved from a change in form and function. No physical evolution was required to change herbivores to predators—it was merely a change in behavior.1



However, headway continues to be made as biblical and scientific answers to these questions are developed. For example, it wasn’t long ago that many thought all viruses were bad, but Dr. Jerry Bergman wrote,

 しかし、これらの疑問に対する聖書的、科学的な答えが発展するにつれて、前進は続いています。例えば、多くの人がすべてのウイルスは悪いものだと考えていたのは少し前のことですが、Jerry Bergman博士は次のように書いています:


Although viruses were discovered only at the turn of this century, research has now found a substantial amount of evidence that they serve several major roles in ecology and are actually essential for life. Without viruses, the genetic revolution we are now experiencing would be impossible. They also serve numerous beneficial functions that we are just beginning to research and understand.2



The same could be said regarding poisons. Botulism is a rare but devastating disease caused by bacterium Clostridium botulinum. Infection occurs by ingesting contaminated food or C. botulinum infecting a wound. As terrible as this is, highly diluted botulinum toxin can be used to eliminate wrinkles (for a time) and ease certain types of pain, such as that which is experienced in chronic migraines.



Recently, botanists at the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology have made an interesting discovery regarding a toxic plant called Sosnowsky’s hogweed (Heracleum sosnowskyi).

 最近、Skolkovo科学技術研究所の植物学者が、Sosnowskyホグウィード(Heracleum sosnowskyi)と呼ばれる有毒植物に関して興味深い発見をしました。


For the first time ever, scientists have studied the genome [the total genetic material within a cell] of Sosnowsky’s hogweed, a poisonous invasive plant whose juice causes skin burns. They found that its genome has nearly twice as many genes as most other plants.3



The article goes on to say that this plant actually has practical applications: “The research findings open the door to practical applications in medicine and pharmacology, thanks to hogweed’s unique bioactive molecules, which can be used to create new drugs.”3




This discovery of bioactive molecules in the hogweed is an indication that there might have been an alternative function for it prior to the Fall. Creation scientists have suggested for decades that poisons, pathogenic bacteria, and parasites of today were in fact beneficial or at least neutral in the pre-fallen world thousands of years ago. Indeed, as mentioned, even the hogweed contains “compounds with high pharmaceutical value.”4



Schelkunov et al. stated recently in their paper on H. sosnowskyi that “the ability of H. sosnowskyi to produce linear furanocoumarins (FCs), photosensitizing compounds, makes it very dangerous. At the same time, linear FCs are compounds with high pharmaceutical value used in skin disease therapies.”4

 Schelkunov氏らは最近、H. sosnowskyiに関する論文の中で、「H. sosnowskyiは光増感化合物である線状フラノクマリン(FC)を産生する能力があるため、非常に危険です。同時に線状FCは皮膚病治療に用いられる薬学的価値の高い化合物です。」と述べています。


It is possible that the Curse caused the genome of many creatures to degrade (genetic entropy), be altered, or have sections partially deleted. Such genetic changes or loss could produce, for example, the plant toxicity we see in Sosnowsky’s hogweed.



There are many other examples.5,6 Tetrodotoxin is a powerful neurotoxin (sodium channel blocker) found in a variety of organisms throughout the world, including blue-ringed octopuses, pufferfish, and the bacterium Vibrio.7 “In low doses, tetrodotoxin is shown in clinical trials to be a replacement for opioids for relieving cancer related pain.”8



To conclude, Christians understand that God’s creation was very good in the beginning. Sadly, it was tainted by the sin of disobedience and justly cursed.9 This is reflected in the corruption or partial loss of genetic information, possibly resulting in poisons, parasites, and pathogens. Creation scientists undergo scientific research and investigation to answer these questions from a biblical perspective.



