恒星に対して大きすぎる太陽系外惑星 | 加藤 豪(Go Kato)

加藤 豪(Go Kato)


Exoplanet Too Large For Its Star 



by Jake Hebert, Ph.D. | Jan. 15, 2024


According to evolutionary theories of planet formation, a newly-discovered Neptune-mass planet that orbits a small red dwarf star should not exist.1,2 Astronomers discovered this exoplanet (or extrasolar planet, a planet orbiting a star other than our sun) using an instrument constructed specifically for the purpose of detecting exoplanets orbiting low-mass stars. The red dwarf star has been designated LHS 3154, and the exoplanet has been dubbed LHS 3154b.



Simply put, LHS 3154b is too massive to be orbiting such a low-mass star, at least according to naturalistic models of planet formation. As noted by Dr. Suvrath Mahadevan, one of the co-authors on the paper describing the discovery, “This discovery [of LHS 3154b] really drives home the point of just how little we know about the universe....We wouldn’t expect a planet this heavy around such a low-mass star to exist.”2,3

 簡単に言えば、LHS 3154bは少なくとも惑星形成の自然主義的モデルによれば、このような低質量の星の周りを回っているにしては質量が大きすぎるということです。この発見を説明した論文の共著者の一人であるSuvrath Mahadevan,博士は次のように述べています:



Conventional scientists have developed two broad categories of planet formation models: accretion and gravitational instability. In accretion models, dust particles collide and coalesce to form larger and larger particles that eventually become planet-sized. Because it is the older theory, problems in it are well-documented.4 In newer gravitational instability models, gas and dust clump together to form planets on relatively short timescales. Core accretion models are better at explaining the origin of terrestrial planets but cannot always explain the existence of gas giants. On the other hand, gravitational instability theories are better at explaining the origin of gas giants.5 Of course, the fact that theorists have had to devise two categories of models demonstrates that neither model alone can account for all the observations.




In this particular case, both categories of models have difficulty explaining the existence of such a massive planet orbiting such a low-mass star. Computer simulations showed that the formation of an exoplanet such as LHS 3154b would need at least 10 times as much material as accretion models generally assume. And the gravitational instability model “struggles to explain the formation of such a planet without a very massive disk.”1

 この特定のケースでは、どちらのカテゴリーのモデルも、このような低質量星の周りを周回するこのような巨大な惑星の存在を説明することは困難です。コンピュータ・シミュレーションによれば、LHS 3154bのような太陽系外惑星の形成には、降着モデルが一般的に想定する量の少なくとも10倍の物質が必要であることが示されました。また、重力不安定モデルでは、非常に巨大な円盤がなければこのような惑星の形成を説明するのに無理があります。


Nor is this a first. Previous exoplanet research showed that the dust disks from which exoplanets supposedly formed sometimes do not contain enough material to make the planets.6 Previous Creation Science Updates have documented numerous examples of exoplanets that confound mainstream models.7–11



Dr. Mahadevan also stated, “The planet-forming disk around the low-mass star LHS 3154 is not expected to have enough solid mass to make this planet....But it’s out there, so now we need to reexamine our understanding of how planets and stars form.”3

 Mahadevan博士はまた、「低質量星LHS 3154の周りにある惑星形成円盤は、この惑星を作るのに十分な固体の質量を持っていないと予想されています。惑星や恒星がどのように形成されるのか、私たちの理解を見直す必要があります」と述べています。


Yes, conventional astronomers and astrophysicists would do well to “reexamine” their understanding. They would do even better to reexamine their starting presuppositions. Are natural processes really sufficient to explain the existence of stars and planets? Based on the evidence so far, the answer is a resounding no. The existence of the heavenly bodies requires supernatural creation, and the Bible testifies that the Lord Jesus Christ did indeed create them supernaturally just a few thousand years ago.12



