瞬きする魚が陸地に移行した? | 加藤 豪(Go Kato)

加藤 豪(Go Kato)


Blinking Fish Transitioned to Land? 



by Frank Sherwin, D.Sc. (Hon.) | May. 15, 2023


The mudskipper (Boleophthalmus caeruleomaculatus) of the order Perciformes, is a fascinating fish whose evolutionary origins are quite unknown. They supposedly ‘diverged’ from other bony fish (teleosts) about 140 million years ago.

 スズキ目のトビハゼ ( Boleohalftalmus caeruleomaculatus ) は、進化の起源がまったくわかっていない興味深い魚です。恐らく約1億4000万年前に他の硬骨魚類(真骨亜綱の硬骨魚)から「分岐」したと考えられています。


Recently, evolutionists investigated the blinking behavior of the mudskipper:



New research shows that these amphibious fish have evolved a blinking behavior that serves many of the same purposes of our blinking. The results suggest that blinking may be among the suite of traits that evolved to allow the transition to life on land in tetrapods—the group of animals that includes mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibians—some 375 million years ago.1



Because evolution theory states fish learned to walk many millions of years ago, evolutionists necessarily see blinking as just one of the many transitional steps. But the following quote shows justified caution:



 “The transition to life on land required many anatomical changes, including changes for feeding, locomotion and breathing air,” said [Thomas Stewart, assistant professor of biology]. “Based on the fact that mudskipper blinking, which evolved completely independently from our own fishy ancestors, serves many of the same functions as blinking in our own lineage, we think that it was likely part of the suite of traits that evolved when tetrapods were adapting to live on land.”1 (emphasis added)

 「陸上生活への移行には、摂食、運動、空気呼吸のための変化など、多くの解剖学的変化が必要です。」とThomas Stewart助教授(生物学)は語っています。「トビハゼの瞬きは、人の祖先である魚類から完全に独立して進化したもので、人の系統の瞬きと同じ機能の多くを果たしているという事実に基づき、四肢動物が陸上生活に適応したときに進化した一連の形質の一部である可能性が高いと考えられます。」


Creationists state the evolutionary transition to life on land from the ocean never happened. Indeed, according to the late evolutionist, Jenny Clack, “The question of where tetrapods evolved is even more difficult to answer than that of when.”2 Four years later, evolutionist Michael Denton stated,“...the gap between the tetrapod limb and the fin remains.”3 Two years ago, a prestigious science publication said, “The fish-to-tetrapod transition is one of the most iconic events in vertebrate evolution, yet fundamental questions regarding the dynamics of this transition remain unresolved.”4

 創造論者は、海から陸の生命への進化的な移行は起こらなかったとしています。実際、進化論学者の故Jenny Clack氏は次のように語っています:


 そして4年後、進化論学者のMichael Denton氏は、「四肢動物の肢とヒレの間には隙間が残っています」と述べています。さらに2年前、権威ある科学雑誌には、「魚類から四肢動物への移行は脊椎動物の進化を象徴する出来事の一つだが、この移行の動力学に関する基本的な疑問は未解決のままである。」と書かれています。


Mudskippers have no evolutionary or fossil ancestry. They were created as 100% mudskippers complete with the blink reflex: perhaps it’s because the environment they were designed for has lots of mud? The Creator designed them to blink, cleaning, wetting, and protecting their eyes. People, pumas, peacocks and, polar bears also blink for the same reason. Such a rapid and sophisticated mechanism didn’t randomly evolve.





When did ‘early tetrapods’ evolve their eyelids and associated muscles?



Tetrapods likewise have eyelids, another unique innovation connected with terrestrial life, and there is a muscle to more the eyelids that only tetrapods have...Interpreting muscle insertions is hazardous at the best of times, but in this case, it is particularly fraught with difficulties. Other eye muscles, not unique to tetrapods, are equally likely candidates to insert in that [small inpocketing of the braincase]. It is quite likely that it will never be certain when early tetrapods, or their fish relatives, evolved the eyelid or its muscles.5 (emphasis added)



In denying that animals were created by God complete and fully formed, evolutionists must posit creatures filled environmental niches because evolution fiddled, messed, and tampered.



"Blinking is a reflection of a bigger question," [associate professor Simon] Sponberg said. "How did major evolutionary transitions occur that enabled organisms to inhabit basically every environment on this planet? What we learned is you don't need the evolution of a lot of specialized musculature or glands; evolution can tinker with the structures that are already there, allowing them to be used in a new way and for a new behavior."6

 「瞬きは、より大きな問題を反映しています。」とSimon Sponberg准教授は述べています。「生物がこの地球上の基本的にあらゆる環境に生息できるようになった大きな進化の変遷はどのようにして起こったのでしょうか? 私たちが学んだことは、多くの特殊な筋肉や腺を進化させる必要はなく、進化はすでにある構造に手を加えることで、新しい方法、新しい行動のために使うことを可能にするということです」。


Of course, empirical research documenting the process of how evolution tinkers is out of the question.



Creationists maintain our Creator, Jesus, has given us a variety of tools such as logic and observation to unlock the amazing mysteries of His creation such as the eye and its associated structures and functions. May we always give Him the glory.





