〔感動する英語長文〕ママがおばけになっちゃった | 英語教材研究所



“Mom Became a Ghost”


Mom is hit by a car and becomes a ghost.

But Mom worries about four-year-old Kantaro. So she flies home as a ghost.


Kantaro is talking with Grandma. Mom tries to talk to Kantaro, but he does not seem to be able to hear it. Kantaro is crying because he misses Mom.


Kantaro: I can no longer eat Mom's slackly prepared food.


Mom: So, my cooking is slack, huh?


Kantaro: I have told Mom a hundred lies, but I haven't said sorry yet.


Mom: A hundred? That is too many!


A strange thing happens at night. After twelve midnight, Kantaro can see Mom too.


Kantro is surprised, but he apologizes for various things: having put his nose dirt in Mom's mouth when she was sleeping, and wearing Mom's panties because he misses her.


"Kantaro. I am going to have to leave you soon. Can you take a bath alone? I cannot sleep with you, so you have to take a pee alone."


Mom tells Kantaro about a lot of things.

"Please don't leave me, Mom!" Kantaro cries.

"I don't know what I should do," Mom cries too.


If things go on this way, Grandma will wake up. So the two decide to go for a walk.

Outside there are so many ghosts.


"All people die someday. There is no one who does not die."


Mom tells him about the time when she was glad that she was alive. That time was:

"when I gave birth to you. That thing was a great success for me. Tears rolled down my cheeks."


"It was not until you were born that I found something more important than my life."


Kantaro asks Mom if he is good enough for her child. Mom replies, "Sure."


"I like your good points, but I like your bad points no less. That's because you are just like me."


I love you for liking the Shinkansen.

I love you for being able to be nice to your friends.

I love you for being good at blocks.

All the time I have loved you so much in countless ways.


Thank you, Kantaro.

I have been so happy to be your mom."


Mom tells Kantaro that she has been happy to be his mother.


Kantaro: Mom, don't say good-bye.


When Kantaro wakes up in the morning, he finds himself on the futon before he knows it, and Mom is not there as expected. Instead, Grandma has been preparing breakfast for him.


"I will do my best. I can do it alone," says Kantaro aloud so that Mom can hear it.


When Kantaro sleeps in Mom's panties on the night of that day, he feels as if Mom were at his side all the time.







「もう、ママの てきとうな おりょうりが たべられなく なるんだ」(かんたろう)

「てきとうな りょうりで わるかったな!」(ママ)

「ぼく、ママに 100こくらい ウソ ついてるのに、ごめんなさいしてない」(かんたろう)





「かんたろう。ママ、もう いなく なるの。
おふろ ひとりで はいるの、できる?
いっしょに ねる こと できないから、ひとりで おしっこ、いくのよ」



「ひとは、みんな いつか しぬの。

しなない ひとなんて いないのよ。」


あなたを うんだ こと。それだけは、ママ、大成功だった。なみだがボロボロ 出た

かんたろうが うまれて、はじめて じぶんの いのちより たいせつだと
おもえる ことを みつけたの


かんたろうの いい ところも すきだけど、
ダメな ところも たまらなく すきだった

だって、あたしに そっくりなんだもん


しんかんせんが すきな かんたろうが すきよ。

ともだちに やさしく できる かんたろうが すきよ。

ブロックが じょうずな かんたろうが すきよ

もう かぞえきれないくらいの すきで、ママは ずっといっぱいだった。



かんたろうの ママで、ママは しあわせでした」









「ぼく、がんばって みる。ひとりで やれるよ」


