Written and translated by Motobu Naoki


During my stay in Okinawa, I paid a courtesy visit to Nakamoto Mamoru Sensei's Bunbukan Dōjō and Higa Kiyohiko Sensei's Bugeikan Dōjō. I am indebted to both of them for their assistance in researching the history of karate and kobudō. Even though it was a weekday evening at the Bunbukan, there were many students practicing and sweating.



Also present were Kyan Morikazu Sensei of the Bunbukan and Higa Kiyotomo Sensei of the Bugeikan, both of whom have been helping me with my research on the history of karate and kobudō. All three (Nakamoto, Kyan, Higa) were classmates.



Since Mamoru Sensei's father, Nakamoto Masahiro Sensei, also inherited the lineage of Motobu Chōki through Nakama Chōzō, Chōki's photo was displayed on the wall.


Mamoru Sensei asked me if I would like to visit the museum. I wondered what he was talking about, but I said "please" and he showed me around the upper floor of the dōjō, which was now a museum. I was surprised to see a large number of valuable old weapons and other materials on display.



Afterwards, I went out for dinner with them. Although people who practice kobudō do not necessarily know much about history, they were all very knowledgeable and we exchanged a lot of information and had a good time.


Next, I paid a courtesy visit to the Bugeikan, the second time I have visited the dōjō. It is a very nice dōjō.



I was welcomed by Higa Kiyohiko Sensei and his student Akamine-san.



Higa Kiyohiko Sensei is a living dictionary of the history of karate and kobudō in postwar Okinawa, and I heard many valuable stories from him. His talks on Shuri Sanchin, Shō Sanchin, Jicchin, and other karate kata that Uehara Sensei used to teach were particularly interesting.



In the window of the dōjō, there were photos of old tournaments of the All Okinawa Karate and Kobudō Federation. In addition to Uehara Sensei and Kiyohiko Sensei, Kaneshima Shin'ei Sensei of Ishimine-ryū and Nakandakari Kanzō Sensei, a student of Hanashiro Chōmo, who have been introduced on this blog, were also in the photos, which are very valuable nowadays.