
シュタイナーの先生のジャックと旦那さん。二人共ミュージシャンがWest Sussexで、プロのミュージシャンを呼んで、キャンプしながら、音楽を楽しむイベントを企画しています。

その資金を集めるため、友人やらに声をかけて、一人15ポンドでフルプログラムに参加できます。もっと出してもいい人はもっと出してあげてください。子供無料で、プロの音楽と、野外のキャンプしてみたい人は、是非、ジャックまでメールしてください。ちなみに私の名前を入れないといけないので、メールするときは、Mami Houltonの友達と入れて問合わせてください。興味あるかたは、下の文を読んでください。


Dear Friend/s,

Our friends Matt and Jack are bringing all the elements of their unique Brighton club-venue, The Cabin, to their annual Summer camping weekend of the past three years and are asking for your cash to make it happen.

I am privately inviting you to pledge a mere £15 towards the cost of a full programme of professional music for the Saturday night and, in exchange, you will receive one wrist-band that entitles you to the whole weekend of community joy! Children come free.
Matt and Jack are venturing into the world of the not-for-profit, community-funded event and all money raised will go directly to the musicians, many of whom have regularly given their skills for free at The Cabin. They are hoping to reach a pledge target of £2,200 by the end of March (they're almost there), at which point they can begin to confirm the acts for the evening.

To pledge please email thecabinmusic@gmail.com and leave your name, an email address, number of pledges and which of their friends you are connected to and Matt and Jack will reply with more details.

The community element of this unique weekend will include camping pitches (for tents or vans - no hook-up available), campfire, The Cabin blackboard (open mic feature!) and BYO BBQ (cooking equipment provided) on Saturday afternoon. It could also include community singing, story-telling, cakes and anything else that Matt and Jack dream up in the preceding weeks.......

The weekend runs from 5pm on the 24th of June to 12pm on the 26th June.

The Cabin
Promoting acoustic folk, roots and classical music, spoken word, poetry and comedy. The live experience!