El Bahia Palace, Marrakech, Morocco

All nations are always proud of their heritage, Moroccan society has its own rights to be proud of its cultural heritage, which is not only considered to be part of its national identity but is also extremely rich and involves countless domains, especially architecture and craftsmanship.

Every city in Morocco contains many types of buildings where all kinds of craftsmanship have been used. These arts are the result of the great savoir-faire of Moroccan craftsmen, who have made great efforts to preserve them and that are transmitted from generation to generation. In Marrakech, one of the most historical cities in Morocco,visitors will get an excellent chance to visit several monuments that are true treasures of charm and beauty, and El Bahia Palace is one of these famous monuments, mostly due to its fantastic decoration.

The palace is located in the heart of the old

and surrounded by many famous marrakchi neighbourhoods, like Riad Zitoun and El Mellah. It was built in 1880 by the minister Bahmad, and the construction of this great palace took a long time. Throughout its existence, this stunning palace used to play an important political role, because it used to be the favourite residence of Bahmad and it was the place from which he governed the Southern regions. Then his brother decided to settle in this palace, as did general Lyautey, who decided to live in it during the period of French protectorate. At that time, Ksar el Bahia or El Bahia Palace was also to be provided with innovative equipment, and equipped with new chambers for workers and officials. Nowadays, El Bahia Palace has become an open space for the tourists who want to discover the charm of Moroccandecoration.


El Bahia Palace is famous mostly due to its fantastic style. This exciting masterpiece consists of several rooms and suites that are full of fantastic tokens of Moroccan craftsmanship, such as zellig mosaics, marble, ceramic, carpentry, etc. Also, El Bahia Palace contains four fountains that are other examples of its Andalusian influence. And last but not least, visitors will be able to admire the gardens and squares that are full of many types of flowers, and are another amazing source of beauty and loveliness.