アメリカ宇宙軍と9.11 | ♡ 空の下で 

♡ 空の下で 

~ 日々の暮らしにある諸々を書いている個人的なメモ、日記です。

USSF >アメリカ宇宙軍

米国の宇宙軍のルーツは冷戦の始まりにあり、最初の陸軍航空隊の宇宙計画は1945年に始まりました。1954 年、バーナード・シュリーバー将軍の下、西部開発部門が米軍初の宇宙専門組織として設立され ました。
1982 年 9 月 1 日に空軍宇宙司令部が設立されるまで、軍の宇宙部隊はいくつかの異なる空軍の主要コマンドの下で組織されていた。米軍の宇宙軍は、ベトナム戦争で初めて戦闘支援活動を行い、1982年のフォークランド紛争、1983年のグレナダ侵攻、1986年のリビア空爆、1989年のパナマ侵攻の際に、衛星通信、気象、航法支援を継続的に実施した。宇宙軍の最初の大規模な任務は、湾岸戦争で頂点に達しました。湾岸戦争は、アメリカ主導の連合軍にとって非常に重要であったため、最初の「宇宙戦争」と呼ばれることもあります。
(>フォロー Q The Storm Rider)
_米国宇宙軍(USSF)は、米国の8つの制服組の1つである米軍の宇宙サービス部門であり、THE WORLD'S ONLY INDEPENDENT SPACE FORCE(世界唯一の独立宇宙軍)である。

(バックドロップ)/)<White Hats ALLIANCE(ホワイトハット アライアンス )
>マイケル・S・ロジャース(1959年10月31日生まれ)は、元アメリカ海軍提督で、アメリカ・サイバー軍(USCYBERCOM)の第2代司令官を務めた人物です。2014年4月3日から国家安全保障局(NSA)の(17)代目長官、中央警備局(CSS)長官を務めた。ロジャーズは第 10 艦隊司令官と米国艦隊サイバー司令官を務めた。
911の夜 ドナルド・ラムズフェルドは 2兆3千億円が消えたと発表した... その翌日、飛行機がペンタゴンに突っ込み、サーバーとデータが「ハット」によって破壊された。





Richard Bruce Cheney1941年1月30日 - 

リチャード・ブルース・チェイニーは、アメリカ合衆国の政治家、実業家。アメリカ合衆国第46代副大統領。ワイオミング州選出連邦下院議員、第17代国防長官を歴任した。公的な場においても自ら進んで愛称のディックを名乗り、書面にもそのように記載しており、本稿も愛称を記事名として立項している。 ウィキペディア



The U.S. Space Force traces its roots to the beginning of the Cold War, with the first Army Air Forces space programs starting in 1945. In 1954, the Western Development Division, under General Bernard Schriever, was established as the first dedicated space organization within the U.S. Armed Forces . 

_Military space forces were organized under several different Air Force major commands until they were unified when Air Force Space Command was established on 1 September 1982. U.S. space forces first began conducting combat support operations in the Vietnam War and continued to provide satellite communications, weather, and navigation support during the 1982 Falklands War, 1983 United States invasion of Grenada, 1986 United States bombing of Libya, and 1989 United States invasion of Panama. The first major employment of space forces culminated in the Gulf War, where they proved so critical to the U.S.-led coalition that it is sometimes referred to as the first "space war".

(>follow Q The Storm Rider)

_The first discussions of creating a military space service occurred in 1958, and the idea was also being considered in 1982 by President Ronald Reagan. The 2001 Space Commission argued for the creation of a Space Corps between 2007 and 2011, and a bipartisan proposal in the U.S. Congress would have created a U.S. Space Corps in 2017. On 20 December 2019, the United States Space Force Act was signed into law as part of the National Defense Authorization Act, 

_The United States Space Force (USSF) is the space service branch of the U.S. Armed Forces, one of the eight U.S. uniformed services, and THE WORLD'S ONLY INDEPENDENT SPACE FORCE.

(Back drop)/)<White HATS ALLIANCE 

>Michael S. Rogers (born October 31, 1959) is a former United States Navy admiral who served as the second commander of the United States Cyber Command (USCYBERCOM). He served as the (17)th director of the National Security Agency (NSA) and as chief of the Central Security Service (CSS) from April 3, 2014. Rogers served as the Commander of the Tenth Fleet and Commander of the United States Fleet Cyber Command.

_ In 1991 it had become clear to Military Intelligence inside U.S. Air Force ( predawn USFF) /Inside Q military clearance Programs and MOLES/plants inside 3 letter agencies that 911 was beimg planned by DICK CHENEY

(Secretary of defense [ DS] operative). The plan to invade the middle east for oil had been a long plan since the late 60s. The 911 EVENT could cover for multiple Agendas including DARPA technology to control news cycles ( internet mass censorship and tracking opposition )

>Upon the early discovery of 911 planned AGENDA several Whites created a plan to ROB THE PENTAGON...... Two months leading up to 911 SPACE FORCE had the Q)uantum  technology to steal the money from C_A & PENTAGON and leave FALSE money trails of PENTAGON corruption to the missing money.

_multiple files were uploaded into the Pentagon SERVERS including REAL stolen money from U.S. citizens/ corporations/ and their connection to Wall Street operations . Inside the placed files were videos of Dick Cheney pedophilia ring Connected to ELITES and the Rumored/videos and evidence of Homan/children Elite hunting parties that connected the ROTHSCHILDS, (Austria forest human huntings) Uk majesty ( British elite hunting parties ) Cheney's hunting parties.

_On the EVE of 911 Donald Rumsfeld announced  2.3 Trillion was missing... And the next day a }supposed{ plane flew into the Pentagon where there servers and data was [ INFILTRATED] by what's HATS.

What really happened was White HATS stole the money over 4 trillion and went to the FULL CREATION OF > SPACE FORCE< White HATS ALLIANCE creation military OPERATIONS.

AFTER this ROBBING of the PENTAGON CIA 3 letter agencies..The silent WAR ERUPTED inside the Military Intelligence Agencies.

>BUSH CREATED WARS / went after the oil

>Obama created wars/ funneled money to Ukraine IRAN

(Read the next piece 👇 below)
