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/PDF  The Superhero Response: How 9/11 Changed Our Superheroes and Why It Matters | Recently featured in Robert Kirkman's Secret History of Comics!9/11 changed our superheroes. What does that says about all of us?On September 11, 2001, the world was changed with a horrific act of terrorism against the United States. This act changed our politics, our religion, and even the way that we think. It is no surprise that it also changed our superheroes.In the post-9/11 world, superhero stories have experienced an unprecedented surge in popularity, gracing every form of popular entertainment, including movies, television shows, literature, and even live theatre. Superman, Batman, Spider-man, Captain American and too many others to count are everywhere you look and fill many of our daily conversations. But more important, is what these larger-than-life archetypes and their struggles against evil can tell us about ourselves.Filled with thought-provoking questions and in-depth analysis of post-9/11 superhero stories and the way they reflect changes in our society, THE 