
It's been quite a while since I updated my blog. The last time I featured Mops was when he was about 6 months old, so I would like to introduce him again. Mops was a little, mischievous boy who was born on July 15, 2015, in Sanmu city, Chiba prefecture, at House Pully. On April 18, 2023, Mops crossed the Rainbow Bridge. He lived a tumultuous life as a 7-year-and-9-month-old pug. This is just a messy and disorganized piece of writing that I'm writing as a personal memo and to sort out my feelings, but please stay with me if you're interested.


Mops had an allergy-prone constitution, so he was given medication to relieve his itchiness. He was generally healthy with no major illnesses. However, around the end of last year, he began to have a repeated loss of appetite and diarrhea, and he was receiving treatment at an animal hospital. The symptoms were protein-losing enteropathy, where the albumin (a type of protein) in the blood drops, leading to symptoms such as loss of appetite and diarrhea. Although the cause of the symptoms could not be identified clearly by ultrasound, X-ray, blood tests, and so on, it is standard practice to administer steroids even if the cause is unknown and observe the albumin levels. The only remaining test was pathological examination through endoscopy or laparotomy, which required general anesthesia. It is known that flat-nosed dogs like pugs have a higher risk of anesthesia than other breeds. Therefore, it was decided to start treatment with steroids and observe the progress.



Once steroid treatment began, the appetite quickly returned and the symptoms of diarrhea gradually subsided. The albumin levels temporarily increased back to the normal range, so the amount of steroids was reduced and the frequency of administration was decreased from daily to every other day. Until mid-March, symptoms were controlled with steroid treatment, but gradually the steroids seemed to lose their effectiveness and the symptoms of poor appetite and diarrhea began to recur frequently. As this was unusual, pathology testing was recommended and on April 7th, an endoscopic examination was performed at the Tokyo Hospital of the Japan Animal Referral Medical Center (JARMeC), which showed suspicion of gastrointestinal lymphoma (large-cell). It was not a confirmed diagnosis as the results of the pathology testing had not yet been released, but it was almost certain to be lymphoma. Therefore, chemotherapy was started at the local animal hospital where the patient had been receiving treatment. L-asparaginase, an anti-cancer drug, was administered once a week. The anti-cancer drug was administered twice, but the symptoms of poor appetite and diarrhea did not improve, and on April 18th around 9 pm, the patient crossed the rainbow bridge. Since late March, the patient had stopped eating dry food altogether, but he still relatively enjoyed boiled chicken breast, sweet potato, dried sweet potato, and other snacks that he used to love when he was healthy. However, gradually he stopped eating solid foods. When he was healthy, he had a strong appetite and would consume the recommended amount of dry food twice a day in seconds. He was even concerned about being overweight and would reduce the amount of food he consumed. His healthy weight was around 9.8kg, and there was a period where his weighed over 10kg.


From late March, it was mostly watery bloody stools and anemia was progressing. However, despite this, he wagged his tail in response to calls, walked to the toilet to urinate on his own, and appeared energetic. As anemia progressed, he became unsteady, falling and struggling to get up in random places, and panting even after walking a little. Especially during the last five days, it was clear that his weakness was deteriorating exponentially. I tried to get him to eat something, such as licking yogurt or giving him natto. He ate a whole pack of natto only once, maybe because he had never tasted it before and found it delicious. He only ate natto that one time and did not eat anything the next day. The undigested beans from the natto came out almost as they were in his stool the next day.


On April 18th, I left my dog at the hospital in the morning for a drip, brought him back home around 6pm, and he passed away around 9pm. When I went to pick him up at the hospital, he was showing symptoms of wheezing like asthma, and they gave him the necessary treatment with bronchodilators. However, even after returning home, his breathing remained rough, and from the moment I noticed his breathing becoming shallow around 9pm, it didn't take long for him to stop breathing altogether. I think he was able to pass away without too much suffering.


After bringing him back home, I tried giving him nutritional jelly bit by bit with a syringe, and he even licked it himself and bit down hard on the tip of the syringe. Perhaps he believed that he would get better if he drank it, and he must have tried his best to stay alive until the very end. I still worry that maybe I pushed him too hard. Nobody knows what the right thing to do was, and there might not have been a correct answer in the first place. I might have regretted not doing something if I had done nothing. Even though I know it's useless to think about it, I still can't help but think about it. The only consolation is that I was able to take care of him to the best of my ability until the very end and be with him at home when he passed away.


Coincidentally, April 18th was the day when we were informed of the definitive diagnosis from the pathological examination. The result was gastrointestinal lymphoma (diffuse large B-cell type). We are truly grateful to the veterinarian and the staff at the animal hospital who took care of our pet so well. They had taken care of our pet at the pet hotel many times when we could not accompany him on trips. Our pet had grown attached to the veterinarian and staff, and we appreciate how much they cared for him.


Since Mops became part of our family, every day has been filled with happiness. He loved going on outings in the car or pet stroller. Although once we hit the road, he would usually doze off. He was a pug who preferred people over playing with other dogs at the dog park. He was always friendly and gentle with everyone, dogs and humans alike. I never saw him growl or bark to intimidate anyone. We went on many family trips together with Mops, and there were some experiences that we couldn't have had without him. After Mops came into our lives, he became an integral part of our daily routine, so not smelling his scent, not being able to snuggle his fluffy body, not feeling his weight on my lap, not hearing his footsteps, not hearing his breathing as he slept, and not hearing him scratch himself with his hind legs all feel unnatural now.



To our lovely Mops

Thank you for coming to our home, thank you for becoming a part of our family. We will never forget you. Even if you are reborn as a Pug many times over, we believe that you will always be a Pug at heart. But next time, we hope that you will be born healthy and be raised by kind people to live a long life. If it could come true, please become a Pug of my home again. Rest in peace until the day you are born again as a Pug.