I and my wife are off today. We got up at noon.

After we have lunch together, I went outside and study at café and she went to gym to exercise.


I’m writing this dairy at café.

I’ll go to karaoke with her at 4pm.

I’m thinking of studying English and knowledge that required from my job until going to karaoke.


After karaoke, we will eat sushi for dinner.

We both like sushi and any other foods.


Today’s topic I studied is how to give a presentation.

The rough flow of that is below.



Thank you all for coming today.

I’m masa from sales department.

I’d like to introduce about ○○.

I’m going to talk about three aspects of our suggestion in today’s presentation.

Does everyone have a copy of my presentation?

Firstly, …

Secondly, …

Thirdly, …

In conclusion, I’d like to mention …

That brings me to the end of my presentation. Thank you for your attention.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.



That is all.

Thank you for reading and see you next time!