Japan must respect, Foreighn workers | ミセス・スネイル



I did read the article about foreighn trainee at JAPAN TODAY in few days ago.ニコニコ


The news said that the trainee's woman was made confiscation her passport by employer, and she wasn't made returned her pass port from employer despite her needs it.!

As the reason, the company feared about her flee.アセアセ

Incedentally, the act like this is not protect of law, so the company's act can't to punish, unfortunately.ショボーン


Not only this trainee's woman , there will many foreighn workers  who have same situation.ゲッソリ

The company don't want to be made flee at foreign trainees, it mean "高飛び", but, about I think that it is very stupid, well, I remember about one man, he fleed, I mean, he did "高飛び" to abroad without real pass port, you remember it too?


About his name, I will reduce to say for his honor, but you already have good know.キラキラ


Japan did missed former Nissan's boss despite it was doing strict management against foreighn workers.注意

We can understand discrimination against citizens by Japan's government from this two cases.ガーン


The person despite is criminal or not, despite is foreigners or not, Japan's government is doing different handling by that person's rank as celebrity or not.ドクロ十字架

At as that evidence, do you remenber one old man? he killed toddler girl and girl's mother by his rampage car drive at Ikebukuro, but he is becoming free.ムカムカプンプン




Gradually, my temper has become high pressure, so I stop to talk about Ikebukuro's murder.汗ガーン


By the way, my talk back to foreighn trainees, but I'm always thinking about Japan's future, and I think like next.ウインク


Japan must accept to ethnic diversity, it mean, I say despite careless talk, but  near future's Japanese people may have black, white, yellow of skin, and also blue, green, gray, braun of eyes, black, blond of hair, and so even emperor have blond hair and black skin. グリーンハートハート

I hope that there is many form's Japanese people at very near future.ラブラブラブ


Japan's wrong mind, "people must same all" is perish I hope.お願いOKてへぺろ


That's why, Japan's youngsters should go to live more free without captive to Japan's old mind.ピンク音符

If they don't want to marry, it should not do, and also if they don't want child, it is good without birth.爆  笑


There is the people who have worry about Japan's pension system, but I think that ok, because Japan is not poor despite we are made teach about poor pension by Japan's government. お母さん


And in addition, if foreighn workers is more increase, they must pay for pension, so Japan must increase foreign workers more over. グラサン

And if they hope to get Japanese nationality, it should give without very defficult conditions.ラブラブ

Currently, Japan is thinking about foreign workers only as work power, so Japan's arrogant mind is made clear find to worldwide.ぼけー雷

In recently, that fleed man and some foreighners is doing clear Japan's dark side, so Japan's bad act is immediately spread via SNS.注意


Japan's goverment and old age CEOs may thinking that foreighn workers or foreighn trainees want to come to Japan with longing, it is wrong mind.ドクロ

Currently's Japan is going to sunset, so it is not fascination for foreign workers.ガーン

I mean, they giving to Japan to coming despite bad condition working.お願いハート

We must very thanked them!


Japanese gene must keep?

The answer is "NO".!!

Where is it, about Japanese gene?

It is no need.

First of all, about our gene is arrive at somewhere's country except Japan, if it investigate about our roots.くるくるバイバイ

You think of it.


Japanese archipelago was not there at first era of earth, because it married with Korean peninsula and continent of Asia.ハート

But after that, it happend massive movement of continent, and Japanese archipelago separated from continent of Asia. ハートブレイクハートブレイクバイバイ

And, the people of continent came to across ocean to Japan archipelago.グリーンハート

Well, Japanese gene is Asia's gene without only Japan's original one.ウインク



You are terrorist?

You will want to coup?

You are not Japanese people.


etc etc..... LOL



Dear foreigners, Japan's future is decided by your power and passion, so please you don't abandon to work, and you don't forget that there is understandable person about you in Japan, thank you!音譜音符ピンク音符ラブラブラブラブラブ